Today I StreetPassed someone who had some cool Super Mario 64 paintings in his house. I wanted to jump into them and start playing!
And I began my cleanup after all the mess I made helping Franklin and the others prepare their food yesterday. I had to make several trips between my storage and Re-Tail to sell the extra fish and mushrooms. I decided to keep a stick of butter in my house as a souvenir, however.

Big Top asked me to visit his house, and we agreed to meet at 6:20. However, I had closed my 3DS and was doing other things. By the time I remembered, it was too late.
I think I’m starting to understand why Big Top hasn’t given me his picture. I seem to have bad luck with his requests sometimes. And of course there was the time I accidentally opened his time capsule…oops. They say an elephant never forgets, and that certainly seems to be the case with Big Top.
I found Gulliver down on the beach, and I woke him up. And then he asked if I was his princess?? Uh, no.
He asked me the question about the Nobel prize again, which I got incorrect a few weeks ago. I guessed Switzerland at the time, but this time I knew it was Sweden. Hey, at least I had the first two letters right! So I should be getting a gift from him in the mail tomorrow.
At 10:00 tonight, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Skye was the first one to visit. After she got her hair done, we hung out in my house.
After a bit, Maria also came over to visit. On my bench, I felt a bit threatened when she was sitting with her shovel up to my throat.
We tried to do some glitches, but we were failing miserably.
After a couple of disconnections, I reopened my gate. Skye came back, but Maria didn’t. But Peyton came over and joined in the fun. After I showed him my house, we went out to the island. Peyton and I did some bug-catching while Skye took a break to eat lunch. When she was done, we went on some tours. Skye picked the expert maze tour, and we came nowhere close to completing it.
So we tried the regular maze tour instead. Peyton found all of his fruit, but Skye and I again failed the challenge. So we went on a gardening tour instead. Even though it was the expert one, we actually completed it with plenty of time remaining. We won gold Tortimer awards and 12 medals.
Having finally done something successfully, we quit while we were ahead. We returned to Forest and I ended the party for the night. Have a great weekend, everyone!