Sunglasses at Night

Tonight, Kidd was making fun of me for wearing sunglasses at night. So I can, So I can…

Kidd: Heh heh. Skippy! Sunglasses at night? Are you some sort of famous celebrity who's too cool for us?Outside, Rolf suggested a new public works project, a drilling rig.

Rolf: Yeah, we should totally put a drilling rig somewhere here in town!Of course I appreciate having a new PWP added to my list of available projects, but I don’t plan on putting this one in my town. This is what it looks like:

Drilling rig: 298,000 bells.But I did decide to install a different project, the metal bench. I’m installing it in front of my fountain, so I’ll be able to sit there and see the fountain in the background. Also, it will give me a chance to sit next to an animal. Even though I have one bench in my park area, I’ve never seen animals sit on it. I believe it’s because it’s in a distant corner of town. This new bench is front and center, so I expect to see animals using it (hopefully) on a regular basis.

The project's donation goal has been met!Luna told me that Ashleigh from Bellwood was my most recent dream visitor. When I returned to town, Skye started singing the town tune of Ruby. Ruby is Chris’s town, which is where Skye lived before she moved to Forest.

Skye: I feel like singing Ruby's town tune! So here goes!I decided to make a quick trip out to the island, where I participated in the evening firefly tour. I caught twelve fireflies in five minutes, earning me a gold Tortimer award and 12 medals.

You caught a firefly! Nice catch!When I returned from the island, I noticed a friend was online. So I asked if I could stop over to sell some perfect peaches there, and I scored 75,000 bells for the sale. After that, I returned to Forest and ended my night.

Two new QR codes have been submitted by Beth to the QR Codes page, so check that out to see her new snowman sweater and snowman sweater dress.

Gaudi’s Lizard

I got a letter in the mail from Gulliver today. He sent me this Gaudi’s lizard from Spain, which I put in my World Wonders exhibit at the museum.

The Gaudi's lizard that Gulliver sent me from Spain.Next door at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Ana from Ravyn was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting, Ana!

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Ana from Ravyn enjoyed your dream.And at T&T Emporium, there was actually a song for sale that I needed: K.K. Metal. I already have most of the songs, and it’s pretty rare for the Nooklings to have one that I need.

Tommy: Ah, K.K. Metal! A fine item, yes?It was too late for me to work a shift at the cafe, but I watered my flowers and talked to some of my villagers. Kidd then asked me to make a delivery to Skye for him.

Kidd: Could you deliver it under secrecy? You know, we have to think about Skye's privacy, after all.I took the package to her, which turned out to be a deep blue tee. She put it on, thanked me, and rewarded me with a red-bar shirt.

Skye: Thank you so much for the delivery!

Sea Horse for Rolf

Today, Tabby suggested a new public works project: a metal bench.

Tabby: What would you think of...adding a metal bench here?It actually looks pretty nice. I guess Tabby isn’t completely useless after all.

Metal bench: 42,500 bells.Rolf was telling me about a dream he had, but I can’t quite relate to it.

Rolf tells me he recently had a dream involving a Japanese New Leaf player.Gulliver was down on the beach. I figured out he was headed to Spain. He said he’ll send me a gift from there.

Gulliver: I was headed to Spain! I was headed to that dreamy, wonderful country! Thanks for your help!Up in the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Alice from 1derland was my most dream visitor. Clever name there, Alice.

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Alice from 1derland enjoyed your dream.Aurora told me she was going to move out of town on November 23rd, but I made sure she changed her mind right away.

Aurora: OK, the move is off!Rolf asked me to catch him a sea horse, so I headed to the ocean in search of one. Surprisingly, it didn’t take me very long to catch one.

I caught a sea horse! I meant to, of course!I took it back to Rolf, but he only rewarded me with a rose-sky tee. Ugh.

Rolf: I know it's not really enough, but please take my lovely rose-sky tee!