Catching a Snowflake

I got the valiant statue in the mail from Crazy Redd today, but when I took it to the museum, Blathers informed me that it’s a fake!

Blathers: Oh dear! Upon closer examination, I have grave news to share with you, Jeff! It's a fake!Today was Naughty or Nice day in European/Australian versions of the game. I didn’t get to attend the festival, but my friend Skye (the human, not the wolf) gave me her holiday stocking from the event. Thanks, Skye!

A holiday stocking from Naughty or Nice Day.Soon after that, I had a problem trying to take a photo. I got the dreaded “the photo limit has been reached” error message again. So I stopped playing until I was able to move my pictures over onto my computer. By the time I resumed playing, it was after midnight…and it was snowing.

Snow falling outside my house in Forest.The lost and found at the police station had this ghost umbrella that I snatched up.

Me holding a ghost umbrella in the snow.And while I was near the edge of the cliff, I heard a jingling sound and noticed a large snowflake.

A large snowflake floating around.It went down towards the beach, but I followed it down, got my net out, and caught my first snowflake!

Wow! A snowflake! I should be gentle with it so it doesn't melt!You can’t put a snowflake into storage, but you can show it off (like a bug), release it, or sell it for 500 bells.

Reese: Ooh, a snowflake! I can take that item off your hands for 500 bells, if that's OK?I went to visit Rolf, and he ever so subtly let me know he was sick. Cough cough cough cough cough.

Rolf: Cough cough. Cough cough cough!However, T&T Emporium closed at midnight, so I couldn’t buy him any medicine! I’ll have to pick some up tomorrow, if he survives that long. 😛

T&T Emporium. Hours: 9 a.m. until 12 a.m.I had a gem rock today, and it gave me two gold nuggets. Along with one from storage, I gave them to Cyrus and he turned them into a golden bed. It’s not a piece I needed, but oh well.

Take home the golden bed?And before I ended my night, I spoke with Big Top near my fountain. He commented on how pretty the illuminated tree looks.

Big Top: The illuminated tree sure is pretty!And in case you missed it, I took a dream adventure to a town called Clue, which is based on the board game of the same name. It’s a cool town to visit if you’re familiar with the board game, so be sure to check it out!

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