Gulliver sent me a letter from up in Canada today, along with a gift. I was expecting some maple syrup, but he sent me a dreamcatcher instead.
When I went to visit my previous snowmen, they let me reset their bingo balls.
I also built another bingo snowman near them; my numbers for today were 7, 24, and 46. But to get a good picture of all three, I had to cut down a tree. Fortunately (or is that unfortunately), the toppling tree didn’t damage the snowmen. Admit it, it would have been cool to witness a snowman screaming as a tree clobbered him. It’s a murder mister-tree!
But on the bright side, I got my picture of them all.
I then made my way up to Main Street. At the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Edward from Aquaria was my most recent dream visitor. If you haven’t yet seen Forest in the snow, my dream address is 4300-2003-9889. So feel free to visit in the dream world.
Over at Able Sisters, I bought some Santa pants that were on sale. I still need the jacket, and then I think I’ll have the whole suit.
Back in town, Aurora wanted me to visit her house. But unfortunately, she made me schedule a time. I chose 5:30, but I forgot about it until 6:00. She was disappointed that I missed her.
At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. My town filled up instantly as Meli, Tiffiny, and Louis-S came over to visit. As I said hello to everyone, I accidentally erased a tile as I took this picture.
After stopping at the snowmen so some of them could get their bingo cards stamped, we hung out at my house for a while. Louis dubbed me the Dancing Santa.
When we went outside, Louis suggested we do a little swimming. So Dancing Santa became Diving Santa.
And it wouldn’t be a Forest party if Tabby didn’t get hammered.
We went up to Club LOL for some dancing. Yuka and Rolf joined us there, too. Rolf was really getting into it, shaking that tiger butt of his.
Louis left shortly before 11:00, and Jessica came over to take his place. We headed out to the island, where we did some tours. The tour selection wasn’t very good today, but we went on two bug-catching tours and one labyrinth (maze) tour. We failed the labyrinth one, but we got gold Tortimer awards for both bug tours: Jessica won the first one and Tiffiny won the second one.
Once we returned to the mainland, we went back over to the snowmen so Jessica could check her numbers. The sky was very clear tonight, so this made for a very nice pic of the snowmen and the moon.
Meli sat on my town tree to view my town history. She soon found out it was a violent history.
Tiffiny left before midnight, and Rodney came over to take her place. He’s a person who had trouble connecting with me before, but he was finally able to visit tonight. Anyway, I invited them all over to the modern clock to see it light up at midnight.
Forest’s violent history soon become Forest’s violent present, as we all got our toy hammers out.
A bit later, the Santas were sitting on the metal bench when I realized we were actually on a sleigh. So we called in a reindeer to get this sleigh off the ground.
We took turns being the reindeer, but nothing would work. Not even Rodney the red-nosed reindeer could save us. Even with three reindeer and no Santa, this sleigh was grounded.

I took a break to talk to Teddy, and he accused me of stalking him! How rude! I only stalked him to make sure none of my visitors stole him away! Because I saw the way they eyed him…
Around 12:35, I ended the party for the night. I had a good time, and it was nice to see Forest with a full house virtually the whole time. Have a great weekend, everyone!
UPDATE: Just wanted to include a look at my current badges:
Jeff, how do you get those toy hammers? I have unlocked Tortimer Island but don’t see it as a souvenir. I would really like to use the hammer to knock some villagers who annoy me like you do.
The island gift shop has different items every day, so keep checking daily. Or if you want to speed it up, try visiting some Club Tortimer islands repeatedly until you find one.