Nintendo sent out a new SpotPass home today; it belongs to Aminka from Shigtown. Her main room is your typical Mario room, but the room on the left is all-gold (similar to my basement). I especially like her gold piggy bank, although it’s debatable whether her throne is better than my golden super toilet.
She also had a nice Zelda room. Unlike most Zelda rooms I’ve seen, she had a mannequin dressed as Link. If you’re wondering why the Triforce is glowing, it’s because I activated it shortly before taking the pic.
Aminka from Shigtown also had a rococo room, a princess room, and this arcade/rec room in the basement.
And just to answer the inevitable question, this was a SpotPass home, not StreetPass. So everyone in North America should receive it, assuming SpotPass is turned on correctly.
I then returned to my town and paid Katrina to tell my fortune. Once again, she told me women’s bottoms were the key to getting lucky. Err…being lucky. Something like that. But as I started to leave, she stopped me. This is it! She suggested a fortune teller’s shop as a public works project!
It costs 340,000 bells, but Isabelle didn’t give me a preview of what it will look like. Unless it looks like a big yellow question mark.
Anyway, I was over by a pond when I heard a noise…splash! Apparently a dung beetle dunked a snowball into the pond!
I went up to Main Street to reset the snowball, and I also updated my dream town. Luna told me that Garrett from Gville recently enjoyed my dream town. I also made a large withdrawal from my bank account and then returned to town to find two snowballs. I made another bingo snowman and got a new bingo card.
My four bingo numbers for today were 14, 26, 43, and 48. My new bingo card had all of them! I may try to make a different type of snowman tomorrow, but I didn’t want my existing snowmen to go to waste. (Without a bingo card in my possession, they won’t spin new numbers).
Anyway, I paid off Katrina’s shop and returned to Isabelle at town hall. It will be done tomorrow, and my Main Street will finally be complete!
Tabby met me in a darkened alley and tried to sell me an armor suit. With this look on her face, I can totally picture her as a creepy salesman.
Chris then came over to get a number punched on his bingo card.
When he was done, I asked him if he wanted to shop before I closed the gate. He said yes, but I made my way into T&T Emporium before he did. So once he entered, he saw me just standing there and thought I was the mall Santa.