Kidd approached me, offering his expertise in slinging his noodle around. Uh, no thanks.
I dug up a tootoid today (that’s the farting gyroid). I decided to display it in Club LOL, so I headed up to Main Street to make the change.
While I was in the shopping district, I stopped in the Dream Suite to update my dream. Luna told me that Kacey from Twinkies was my most recent dream visitor. And T&T Emporium was starting to look like Best Buy, with two TVs on display right next to each other.
Back in town, I went looking for snowballs. I was trying to build a snowboy this time…and I did. But it wasn’t a good one.
And my snowtyke was talking about how much he admired child actors.
My face-cutout standee was still displaying my gravestone, which was really out of season. So I decided to make a new one for New Year’s, where your head makes the zero in 2014. I’m not very artistic, so it doesn’t look all that great, but at least it’s not a Halloween decoration.
If you want the pattern for your face-cutout standee, you can scan the code from my QR Codes page.
As I was making one last stop at Re-Tail, I spoke with Skye. She told me she saw a cloud that reminded her of gingerbread. I think she was just hungry.