As expected, Gulliver sent me a letter from India today. This sitar was attached to the letter.
I saw Skye on my metal bench, so I joined her for a minute.
I visited Tom’s town to grab a bingo number I needed. While I was in Tomville, he showed me his new instrument shelter. Last week, Teddy suggested one for Forest as well, but I had no intentions of getting one. But Tom let me see what it actually does. If you go up behind it and press A, it will tell you the next hour’s weather!
Naturally, this would come in very handy if you were looking for a fish that only comes out in the rain, such as a coelacanth. But it would also be great for knowing when to water flowers. There have been a number of times I’ve watered my flowers, only for it to start raining (or snowing) soon after I finished. I decided I needed this public works project too.
Tom also came to Forest for bingo numbers, and he thanked me afterwards.
Before long, I ended the party. Tia had asked me for a stringfish, but I wasn’t going to search for one all day. However, I just happened to see a huge shadow in the river, so I fished it out and it was indeed a stringfish. I knew she wasn’t going to give me her picture this early anyway, but I thought I might as well get on her good side. So I went ahead and took the stringfish to her.

She rewarded me with a lucky black cat. After I was done with all my daily Forest duties, I picked out a spot for my instrument shelter. I decided to put it behind Re-Tail, where it’s not in the way of anything, and yet easy for me to reach as I begin my daily walk around town.
I quickly paid it off and returned to town hall. It will be completed tomorrow!
A couple of my villagers mentioned that Aurora was sick, so I went up and bought some medicine for her. Hopefully she’ll start feeling better soon.