Late last night, I remembered to speak with Rolf. He has recovered from his cold, and he thanked me for the medicine by giving me a wrap shirt.
Tiffiny also came over to sell perfect pears. She went from being broke to having two million bells in ten minutes.
Then today, I checked for gorgeous furniture at GracieGrace, but she didn’t have what I needed. And today is the last day of the sale. *cue the sad Charlie Brown music*
At Shampoodle, I took Kim’s suggestion and got some green contacts.
The Able Sisters had some Festivale pants. I bought them even though I’m hoping I won’t have to ever wear them.

I went out to the island, and Kapp’n commented on how I looked like a pro wrestler! I’m not sure if it’s because of the mohawk or if it’s just a random thing he says. Sadly, I didn’t get a picture in time.
At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. My town filled up instantly this time, as Wendy, Skye, and Daisy came to visit. But Skye didn’t stick around long, and the rest of us got disconnected soon after. When I reopened, Forest filled up with Wendy, Georgie, and Kim. Georgie is the Georgie from my ACCF roster years ago–aka Org the Grog; I believe this was the first time she has visited my New Leaf town.
Meanwhile, Tia won’t stop with all the tea puns! I was starting to get steaming mad.
Georgie sat at the town tree to view my town’s history, so I sat and joined her. Forest has had 263 visitors so far. I also noticed that the town tree’s leaves are back.
After we stood up, I gave Georgie my traditional town welcome: I smacked her with a hammer. Welcome to Forest.
We then did some glitching. Georgie and Kim both had tweeters, so it was easy to push them into the river. But I had to use the net method, and it was taking me a while. Eventually, I joined them under the waterfall though.
We then took Kapp’n’s boat out to the island and went on a shark-catching tour. I don’t mean to brag (yes I do), but I kicked their butts! I was practically catching two at a time.
Actually it’s somewhat rare for me to do that well. But it’s nice to finally come out on top for a change.
We also went on a scavenger hunt. We had to find specific totem poles and specific plants. Are you kidding me? The plants all look the same to me! They’re green leafy things in pots. I literally picked up every plant in each house and then just dropped the ones I didn’t need. Fortunately though, I only had to visit three houses–each one had one item I needed.
We then returned to town and played a 3-person sumo match.
Georgie was the first person to fall into a pitfall. And the second. And the third! She kept getting back in, and falling out! Of course she hasn’t played sumo in years (and perhaps not 3-person sumo ever), so she didn’t really know to stay out after being eliminated. But we had to tell her to stay out–otherwise all the pitfalls would be gone before Kim and I even finished! We had a long battle, but ultimately Kim beat me once again.
She’s the winner and still champion. But I do want to remind everyone that those were her pitfalls that she raised since they were baby exclamation points. I can’t punctuate that fact enough.
After I was done wriggling aimlessly in my hole, I got up and started removing the sumo ring for now.
I’m sure I’ll play sumo again, but for now I want to keep Forest clean. I don’t want those pitfall seeds in my town, thinking dirty thoughts and plotting against me.
Shortly after sumo, we got disconnected. I chose not to reopen my gate and ended my game for the night. Have a good weekend, everyone!