Day 281

Last night, I went to Mark’s town to let him catalog a sleek side table. He thanked me by giving me a famous mushroom.

I become a giant while in Mark's town of Topiary.We actually disconnected though, so he reopened his gate and I returned to let him catalog the item again. He gave me the mushroom again, but this time I held onto it.

Today, I got a letter from Gulliver in the mail. He sent me the Mouth of Truth! Molly wasted no time in asking me for it.

Molly: Would you be willing to part with said Mouth of Truth?She offered me a dharma in exchange. Ha!

Molly: You could have my dharma in return! How about it? Will you trade?

I spoke with my snowman and he rolled a number 30 for me. Bingo!

Snowman: BINGOOOOO!He gave me a ski-slope floor.

The ski-slope floor.I built another snowman to get a new bingo card and then headed to Tom’s town. His friends Noah and Joanne were there. Tom’s instrument shelter said the weather was going to stay nice, but it was clearly raining beans.

Instrument shelter: Looks like the weather's going to stay nice!But what good are beans without a giant to climb the beanstalk? Err…or something like that.

Me turning into a giant.A bit later, Kim had some bingo numbers I needed, so I headed to her town. She pointed out that I had a tan! I hadn’t even realized it, but all this island-hopping lately has changed my skin color. Kim and I waited for a bus that never came.

Kim and Jeff waiting at the bus stop.Not many people install a bus stop, so I think this was my first time seeing one in person. I explored her town and I also took a look at her museum exhibits. This gyroid room was quite impressive.

Kim's gyroid collection.She’s also working on a balloon collection.

Kim's balloon collection.When I returned to Forest, I saw there was a meteor shower. So I wished on a shooting star.

Wishing on a shooting star.I went up to Main Street, and Luna told me that Ethan from Canada was my most recent dream visitor. And I put my Mouth of Truth in my World Wonders exhibit at the museum.

My World Wonders museum exhibit.I also used a QR code for my trophy room that LemonBunch sent me. You can get the trophy code on the QR Codes page.

Trophy Room exhibit by Jeff.I also did some island hopping. I went on a couple of tours with Izzy, and later I found an island with two other people (besides myself). It’s pretty rare to have three people on a Club Tortimer island, but we did a couple of tours.

Unfortunately, while on a scavenger hunt tour, Isabella was away for a couple of minutes. But the worst part was that she was standing in the doorway of a house. Courtz’ last item and my last item were both in that house, so we failed that tour quite miserably.

Isabella blocking the doorway.On another island, I met my first Club Tortimer beggar. It was Linzy, and she asked me for bells! I asked how many she needed, but she said she didn’t know. She would leave it up to me.

Linzy: I don't know.I gave her 5,000 bells to be nice; she didn’t even thank me. Then she started asking me for my friend code. Uh, no. I quickly left that island and continued on to the next. Eventually, I found the mermaid vanity that I needed! So I now have the full mermaid set!

The complete mermaid furniture set.Barring any problems, my contest for the mermaid set will start tomorrow. So check tomorrow’s blog entry (and/or follow me on Tumblr) for the full rules on how to enter. You’ll be able to enter here on JVGS and also on Tumblr.

Just a reminder that I won’t be opening my gate tomorrow night for Friday Night Forest. I usually skip the first Friday of each month.