I got a StreetPass today, and the person had a modern furniture room. Finally! I ordered the remaining pieces I needed, plus one I didn’t need by mistake for good measure.
As visitors to my dream town may know, I previously had started a modern furniture room customized with emeralds. But when the holiday sets started coming out, I decided to put my modern stuff into storage…in part because I still needed a few pieces to complete the set.
But I also came a step closer to completing another unfinished set, my golden furniture collection. Kim and I traded duplicate people, my golden woman for her golden man.
I put the new piece in my basement.
There was an igloo over at the campsite today, and Nibbles the squirrel was inside.
Up on Main Street, Luna told me that Allison from the town of Stuffin was my most recent dream visitor. And in the Emporium, Gracie disappointed me by not having any gorgeous furniture that I needed today. When I returned to town, Teddy suggested a new public works project: a solar panel.
It’s been a while since any of my villagers have suggested a new project. They’re probably running out of things to suggest, although I sure would like a geyser! Anyway, this is what the solar panel looks like.
I found Katie in town, so I asked around to see if anyone wanted her. Krystal from LaLaPark did, so I took Katie there.
I said hello to Krystal and she let me check her snowman to see if I needed its bingo number (I did).
She has some illuminated arches and illuminated trees, surrounded by roses. It was stunning.
When I returned to Forest, I saw there was a meteor shower going on. So I wished on a shooting star.
At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. Kim came over and the two of us kept wishing on every shooting star. It was getting a bit comical how we kept doing it over and over.
But we got disconnected twice, so Kim decided to take a break for ten minutes or so. Jessica then came over to borrow some clothes for Gracie’s fashion check. She needed ornate clothing, so I let her borrow a noble shirt, royal shorts, and a knight’s helmet.
Technically the knight’s helmet isn’t ornate, but it worked for me back in September. So she returned to her town to face the wrath of Gracie. A bit later, Kim returned. We had our usual hammer fight; I clearly won the battle.
Kim also brought a bunch of pitfall seeds, so that we could try sumo! For those of you who haven’t been following my blogs and videos since the ACCF days, sumo is a game where you surround a 3×3 grid with pitfall seeds. Two or more players inside the “ring” try the push the other player(s) into the pitfalls. The last person standing wins. For a video of how it works, see ACCF – Sumo Fun.
I had not tried sumo in New Leaf, until now. So Kim and I prepared for battle.
We then started the match. We pushed, and spun, and pushed some more. It didn’t end well for me. Mr. Snowman got buried.
We played a rematch, and it ended quickly with Kim somehow pushing me into another pitfall within seconds. I have a good excuse for losing twice. Actually, I don’t, but I’ll try to come up with one!
At any rate, it’s good to see that sumo still works in New Leaf. Around 11:00, Kim left for the night. But she let me keep the remaining pitfall seeds (thanks Kim!) so I can battle someone else. Maybe I’ll find someone I can beat.
Unfortunately, no one else came over to visit, so I closed my gate at 11:20. Gulliver was down on the beach, and his clue was easy this time. He’s headed to Easter Island, and that means I’ll be getting a moai statue tomorrow.
After checking my island gift shop, I returned home and ended my game for the night. Have a great weekend, everyone!
“Hey,mayor! You’re the mayor.”