I had a letter from Mom waiting for me when I started up the game today. She asked me why I stuck a crayon up my nose.

And Big Top immediately wanted to buy my fancy doll from yesterday. He only offered me 350 bells for it, but he said that was his whole life savings.
A notice on the bulletin board informed me that Festivale will be held on March 3rd. I wasn’t a big fan of Festivale on ACCF, but I’m hoping the New Leaf version will be better.
And if you’re not aware, today is the last day that snow will cover the ground. Spring is almost here! So when I saw an igloo at the campsite, I took a good look because I knew it would be the last one I saw for a while. Pompom the duck was inside, getting a stew on.
I noticed a new perfect peach on my tree behind town hall.
So I decided to cut the tree down and turn it into a perfect peach tree. I also tracked down my remaining snowmen and spoke to them for the last time. Wouldn’t you know it? I got a triple ding, but no bingo.
I then made my shopping run up to Main Street. Gracie didn’t have anything I needed today, but I noticed the Able Sisters have started selling Festivale items.
In the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Penny from Box City was my most recent dream visitor. I then returned to town, and Kidd asked me for a peach. I gave him a perfect one, and he gave me a treadmill. Trying to tell me something there, buddy?
After checking my own island, I went to a Club Tortimer island. I went on a couple of tours with the island maid Caleena, who was extremely nice.
Later on tonight, the northern lights were up in the skies above Forest. As I stopped to take a picture, Big Top and Tia both walked into the picture together. Are they on a date??
That’s all I have for tonight, but I’ll be back with more tomorrow. The snow will be gone in the morning. Are you sad to see it go or are you excited for spring?