Mohawk McClover

Today, Tia told me she was going to move out on March 2nd. Oh no you’re not. I’m not letting her leave this soon.

Tia: Maybe it isn't the right time to move after all. Thanks for helping me realize that, Jeff.As I shook a perfect peach tree, the tree died (as perfect trees do after a while) and a bagworm hung down. But since the tree was dead and had no leaves, the bagworm appeared to be hanging from nothing.

A bagworm hangs from a dead, leafless tree.My final remaining snowman was on his last legs…so to speak. This was his last day of existence, so I said my last goodbye.

Snowman: We'll have to do our best to meet up and rekindle our friendship next year!After I was done watering flowers, I went up to Main Street. Luna told me that Kevin from New York was my most recent dream visitor. And up at Shampoodle, I dyed my hair green. With the mohawk wig, my Mohawk McClover look is now complete!

Becoming Mohawk McClover.After checking my island gift shop, I tried to visit a Club Tortimer island. However, there was some sort of problem and Kapp’n actually refunded my money.

Kapp'n: Aarrr... Appears me boat is in need of repair. Can't take 'er out at the moment. I'll give ye yer money back.Anyway, Skye asked me to find a peach for her. So I gave her a perfect peach, and she rewarded me with a sky wall. How fitting.

Skye: It's a sky wall.A bit later, Wendy asked if she could sell some stuff in my town. So I opened up my gate and she came over, looking quite different than I remembered.

Wendy from Oakville has just arrived in Forest.I believe I haven’t seen her since New Year’s Day, so she explored my town and met some of my new villagers such as Agent S. She couldn’t believe how many black roses I have now. I also showed her the sumo ring east of town hall. We didn’t put the pitfall seeds in, but I had a dry run against Aurora.

Practicing sumo with Aurora.I showed Wendy how to glitch…and die.

Me passed out after glitching onto town hall and saving.After glitching, she was hovering in the air.

Jeff: u hoveringI glitched into the river too, and Wendy watered my Chia Mohawk. Ch-ch-ch-chia!

Jeff: Water my Chia mohawk.Brian from Village also came over, and we all went up to shop on Main Street. Even though I have no plans on buying the full card set at GracieGrace, I did decide to buy this card lamp.

Gracie: That's not one of our discounted items. But for you, darling, I'm only asking 80,000 bells.I also showed everyone my museum exhibit rooms. Brian briefly trapped me and Wendy in the gorgeous/cabana room.

Trapped in the gorgeous room.After we were done in the museum, I ended the party for the night. Tomorrow night is Friday Night Forest, so the blog will likely be posted quite late.

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