Jeff’s Delivery Service

Today, I went to Santo’s town Zomga to take him an aurora screen.

Jeff and Santo.While I was there, he let me check his turnip prices. His Re-Tail was buying turnips for 107 bells. That was much better than the 44 bells my Re-Tail was paying, so I sold all I had. After that, he let me check out his house. I wanted to eat it.

Santo's gingerbread house.His house is still small, but I like it.

Santo and me on the couch.I then returned to Forest, where Luna told me Aiden from Rome was my most recent dream visitor. A bit later, Twilight wanted to test her connection. So I opened my gate and she was able to visit without any trouble. That’s always a good thing.

Twilight: Hiya.Later tonight, I went up to Club LOL to watch K.K.’s performance; he played K.K. Mambo for me.

Wendy asked if she could come over to sell her perfect cherries. It was her lucky day, because we found out that perfect cherries were Re-Tail’s bonus item for the day. Rodney also came over, and he gave me a hibiscus–not the bush, but the furniture item. It’s an item given out in the Korean version of the game.

Jeff, Wendy, and Rodney.Tiffiny also came over to pick up some items I had for her. I asked if everyone wanted to go out to the island, but Wendy’s battery light was flashing, so she had to leave to charge her 3DS. The rest of us went out to the island and did some tours. The first one was an official balloon-popping tour.

Tortimer: Whoa! You must really hate balloons! Please accept this Gold Tortimer award and 8 medals!Rodney then picked a diving tour. We all made our first catch at the same time:

You found a snow crab! It's worth...4,000 bells!And we finished up with a fishing tour. We then returned to shore and I ended the session. I went to my house to take a look at the hibiscus, but as I was moving it, Agent S barged in.

Agent S: Squirrel-friend! I am, like, SOOO glad you're here! It's good to see you, J bear.I just sat on the sofa until she left. The animals have bad timing sometimes. Can you imagine this happening in real life? I wanted to talk to the mayor, so I just went in his house.

Anyway, here’s a better look at the hibiscus. Thanks, Rodney!

The hibiscus item.My day wasn’t done yet, however. I had a hair-bow wig for Georgie, so she opened up her gate for me.

Visiting Georgie.She tried it on, while I freaked her out by eating a famous mushroom I found in my town the other day.

Me turning into a giant.She apparently hadn’t eaten one before, because she was quite surprised at the result. It’s always fun using them when people aren’t expecting it. 😀

After that, I returned home for the night. My train station sure got a lot of use today; I almost felt like I was running a delivery service. 😛 I still have a sapling I’m waiting to give to Jessica, but I’m glad I cleared out most the items I had lying around for people. I’m hoping for a calmer, less busy day tomorrow. 😀