Last night, Kidd suggested a new public works project: a moai statue (also known as an Easter Island head).
Even though moai statues are pretty cool, the frontal view of them (in New Leaf at least) isn’t the best angle. And since we can’t rotate PWPs, I don’t think I’ll be putting this in my town.
I went over to Jessica’s town to drop off a couple of saplings I had for her. But when I first arrived, I only saw this penguin and no human…so I assumed the penguin was her.
Her town is looking really nice. And yes, she is using my ice brick path pattern.
She had seen what I wrote about Gala yesterday, so she told me to invite her to the roast!
We went out to the island and did a couple of tours, and I kicked her butt!
But she quickly kicked me out of her town because she was tired of losing her battery was dying.
Then today, I see that cherry blossom petals are falling from the sky.
And Aurora tried to tell me that she was moving out of town on April 11th, which is this Friday. Disney Magical World comes out on Friday, so maybe she wants to move to Castleton? Too bad! She’s staying in Forest whether she likes it or not. And she does.
Up on Main Street, Luna told me Ryan from Ryanland was my most recent dream visitor. And when Rolf asked me for furniture, I gave him a red-tasseled lantern.
To thank me, he gave me his picture again.
And last but not least, I went to meet my newest neighbor: Gala the pig. She moved here from Hyrule, which is Georgie’s town!
If I’m not mistaken, I once got Curly (another pig) in ACCF from Georgie too! She must save all of her leftover pork for me!