Chester was camping in the tent at the campsite today. For some reason, his teeth scare me. Those eyes aren’t helping, either.
He wanted to play a game where I guessed what he just ate. Uhh…Kidd maybe?

Actually he was eating peaches and oranges, and I guessed correctly three times in a row to win a lovely bed for free.
At the event plaza, there was another tent: Crazy Redd’s. I went inside and bought this scary painting.
I found that Kidd was alive and well, but he was hungry.
He asked for some fruit, and I gave him a perfect orange. He rewarded me with some birch flooring. Is that what I wanted? Nah nah nahh.
I went up to the Dream Suite, and Luna told me Tsubasa from Greenvi was my most recent dream visitor.
And when I returned to town, I heard a flea! It was on Kidd, so I plucked it off of him. He offered to return the favor sometime. Uh no thanks, I can pluck myself.
I then finished up my night by making a delivery, taking my massage chair to Kyra. Her town looked really nice. We had to walk pretty far though, just to find a spot without patterns so that I could drop the item!
By the way, the mystery of the baby pink tree has been solved! Tiffiny told me that she planted it. I recently gave her a kitchen island and I told her she didn’t have to pay me for it. But she wanted to repay me, even if I didn’t take her money…so she planted a bell tree in my town! That’s pretty clever, actually. Good thing I didn’t cut the tree down!