Around 10:20, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. T. Zelda and Tom41 came over to visit.
Tom was dressed as Samus Aran, and he tried sneezing on us. However, he clearly forgot his helmet would catch anything that flew out of his nose or mouth. Meanwhile, T. Zelda fell in a pitfall while she was walking to see Gala.
It was a pretty, clear night in Forest.
And of course, we did some stump glitching.
We went to my house, and T. Zelda didn’t care for my picture of a clown.
Tom left around 11:00, but I continued showing T. Zelda my house. I turned on my snow machine and told T. Zelda it was my dandruff machine. But she turned it off; she had no interest in using it.
We went up to Club LOL and danced for a while.
Aurora was also in there, enjoying the music with us.
Around 11:40, Jessica came over to visit just as T. Zelda was leaving.
Jessica and I went out to the island for some tours. I kicked her butt last time, so she wanted revenge. We started out with a dragonfly tour, and she beat me by one dragonfly. But only because she snatched one right out of my net! Where’s Copper when you need him, because I was robbed!
Jessica chose a dinosaur fossil tour, and believe it or not, I’ve never played it before! We both had to speak with Tortimer to check out how it works.
I still didn’t quite understand it until I checked out the sample houses. But that lost time at the beginning really hurt. I found a couple of the correct fossils and put them in place, but we didn’t even come close to completing the tour. Fail.
We then went on a fishing tour, and I beat Jessica. But we barely even qualified for medals at all! Jessica’s catch with about three seconds to go put us over the 20,000 bell mark we needed for a bronze.
After failing at a labyrinth tour, it became clear this wasn’t our night. The selection of tours wasn’t very good tonight. We did one last tour (diving) for a tiebreaker, and my bad luck continued. I had at least six catches disappear right when I got to them. In the end, Jessica beat me once again. She may have won tonight, but I shall have my revenge for her revenge next time!
We then returned to town and just before I ended the session, Jessica pointed out the full moon. Have a good weekend, everyone!