Bunny Day (Easter)

This morning, Joan was selling turnips for 108 bells apiece. I bought 1,000 of them.

Joan: So 1,000 turnips comes out to be... 108,000 bells altogether. Do you wanna buy them?Between my fountain and metal bench, Gala gave me a grapefruit table. It made for a very colorful photo.

Gala: Oh, um, if it's not your taste, you can just throw it away.And of course, today is Easter–also known as Bunny Day in Animal Crossing. Bunny Day first appeared in City Folk on Wii, but it’s more complicated this time around. It still has eggs you can dig up from underground…

Look! I dug up an earth egg!But there are other types of eggs, too: Six in total. Zipper T. Bunny will tell you about them.

Zipper: Check the trees, the rocks, the water... Don't forget to look on the ground or up in the sky!Aside from the buried earth eggs, you’ll also collect stone eggs from fake rocks, sky eggs from balloon presents, water eggs from fishing, tree eggs from shaking trees, and deep sea eggs from diving. So you’ll probably want a shovel, a fishing rod, a slingshot, and a wet suit.

I got an egg from the seabed! I'd better take it to Zipper!You need to find one egg of each type before Zipper will give you the egg basket. At first, I thought that meant it would require six eggs for every piece of furniture. Fortunately, that’s not the case. You can eat any other eggs you find: Most of them will contain candy, but some will contain a winning ticket or a grand-prize ticket.

The candy isn’t helpful as far as Bunny Day is concerned. But the winning tickets can be exchanged for other pieces of egg furniture. The grand-prize ticket can be exchanged for Zipper’s pic. Each time you get a new item, Zipper sings a little song.

Zipper: You've done a great job with your eggy search.Zipper: I'll give you a prize! It's fun bunny merch!Zipper seems to be rather depressed and he hates his job. He also doesn’t like when you waste his time.

Zipper: Hey! Kid, I don't know what you're playing at here, but c'mon.When I spoke to Kidd, he mentioned talking to Allie from Destiny. Allie is someone who came over once to get a bingo number back in February.

Tom wanted to stop over briefly, so I opened my gate for a bit. He came dressed as an Easter bunny…if an Easter bunny wore a dress.

Jeff: Nice dress.He offered me a couple of his egg furniture items, but I declined; I wanted to complete the set on my own. After he left, one of the trees I shook contained a bee that I didn’t quite catch. It caught me instead. But with a swollen eye, I continued searching for eggs and checking their contents.

Sweet! I got a winning ticket!It took me a few hours or so, but I managed to collect all 15 items. That includes 12 pieces of egg furniture, one wall, one floor, and Zipper’s pic. If you’d like to double-check to see what you may be missing, here is a full list of everything:

  • egg basket
  • egg bed
  • egg bench
  • egg chair
  • egg clock
  • egg dresser
  • egg floor
  • egg lamp
  • egg stereo
  • egg table
  • egg toy set
  • egg TV
  • egg wall
  • egg wardrobe
  • Zipper’s pic

By the time I finished, I also had 39 pieces of candy leftover.

All of my leftover candy.I then went up to do my shopping run. Rolf wasn’t very supportive of my eye accident.

Rolf: GAHAHA! You must have been stung by a pretty ornery bee!But I bought some medicine for my eye and then put my egg furniture in one of my rooms. This might make a good prize for a future giveaway, don’t you think?

The egg furniture set.And before I ended my game for the night, I decided to take a look at Zipper’s favorite quote. I wonder what inspirational message he might have for us all on this Easter Sunday:

Quote on Zipper's pic: Hippity-hoppity wish-wash-whoa!“Hippity-hoppity wish-wash-whoa!” I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Happy Easter, everyone!