It was raining as I started up the game today. And a message posted on the bulletin board said that tomorrow is Nature Day. Wow, that makes three events for this week: Easter was yesterday, Nature Day is tomorrow, and then Weeding Day is coming up on Friday.
Anyway, I saw I had a StreetPass from Ian, so I quickly went up to the Happy Homes Showcase. This was apparently the 10th time I got his character in the showcase, so that means I get the ultimate StreetPass prize: A tweeter! Yes! Finally!
I had fun blowing it for a while, but I eventually returned to town. In the police station, I was surprised to see it was completely full of items for the first time ever. Aside from the four tricky pitfall seeds that were already in there, the rest was filled with candy!
The reason it’s there is because Crazy Redd’s art gallery displaced my candy collection. Crazy Redd didn’t have any art that I needed though, so I didn’t buy anything from him today.
I stopped over Kim’s town briefly to make a trade.
When I returned to Forest, Agent S asked me for a new greeting.
And Kidd told me how he thinks umbrellas are mostly for show. That’s only because video game rain isn’t real.
Tia asked me for a Forest pear. But I didn’t give her a Forest pear, I gave her a perfect pear from Auctus. She loved it, and she finally gave me her picture!
Here’s a look at it:
Her favorite quote is “Tea is a cup of life.”
Back outside, a fake rock gave me a gold nugget. I grabbed two other gold nuggets from storage and took them all to Cyrus at Re-Tail. He turned them into a golden wall torch! That means my golden furniture set is complete at last!
I returned home and hung it on the wall.
I got a lot accomplished today! The tweeter, Tia’s pic, and the golden wall torch are things I’ve been trying to get for a while now. That wrapped up my day in Forest, but I’ll be back with more tomorrow to see what Nature Day has in store for us all.
Thank you for reading!
By the way, Chrissie from Astoria was my most recent dream visitor.