The Topiaries

After unlocking the topiaries yesterday, I was finally able to take a look at them in town hall today. The first one is the round topiary, which almost looks like a multi-layered cake.

Round topiary: 93,000 bells.The square topiary looks similar, but with more squarish layers instead of having rounded off corners.

Square topiary: 93,000 bells.And last but not least, there’s the tulip topiary. It’s completely different from the other two, resembling a giant tulip.

Tulip topiary: 93,000 bells.The round one is my favorite, followed by the tulip one. Each one costs 93,000 bells to install, and I chose to put in the round topiary. After walking around town, I ultimately decided to put it near my police station. From its location, you can also see my illuminated tree, metal bench, and even my fountain through the bench. So this is an extension of my central park.

The location I picked out for my round topiary.After taking some money out of my bank account, I paid it off. So it will be built by tomorrow.

Rolf was feeling under the weather today. Poor guy.

Rolf: Cough. My throat hurts a little... That's weird, tiger...Unfortunately, the Emporium was closed before I even started playing for the day–so I couldn’t buy medicine for him. Ugh. So I had to make a sacrifice for Rolf: I purposely got stung by bees.

Ow! Ow ow ow... I got stung by bees!However, my plan backfired this time. None of my villagers gave me medicine! So Rolf and I both need medicine now. Thanks a lot, villagers.

Anyway, I took my swollen face up to Club LOL, where quite a few animals were hanging out. Former residents Harry and Yuka joined future former resident Nan for K.K.’s performance. I asked K.K. for a random song, and he played K.K. Love Song for me.

Swollen Jeff at Club LOL.