After Big Top unsuccessfully tried to tell me he was moving out on May 1st, I tracked down Joan to buy some turnips. She was selling them for 96 bells each, and I bought 1,100 of them.
And of course, I made sure to check out my new round topiary!
Big Top asked to visit my house, so I agreed to let him over. He said my house smelled great…as he was standing next to my garbage can.
I found a lost item near the coffee shop, and it belonged to Nan. To thank me for returning it, she gave me her electric guitar. Funny, I never pictured Nan as someone who would own an electric guitar!
Near my western bridge, I noticed some new flowers blooming on my bush.
After 6:00, I went to attend the completion ceremony for the round topiary. Isabelle, Nan, Molly, Big Top, and Gala helped me celebrate.
When I went up to the Dream Suite, Luna told me Stephani from October was my most recent dream visitor. At the Emporium, I remembered to buy some medicine before they closed. I then took it to Rolf, and he said he should be better by tomorrow.
Gala told me she was going to replace her piggy bank! I wonder which one of her kids she’s throwing away? She asked for a replacement, and I gave her a black bass. I was hoping she would give me her piggy bank, but instead she gave me a minimalist minitable. That’s a mini-mouthful!
Try saying minimalist mini table 10 times fast