As I was busy in my house, Rolf barged in. I’m not a fan of these unplanned visits, so I just spoke to him once and then sat down until he left.
I got my wild painting in the mail from Crazy Redd, but as I feared, it turned out to be a fake.
Over by my stump, Aurora asked me for some perfect fruit.
I gave her a perfect peach, and she enjoyed it. To thank me, she gave me a massage…wait for it…chair.
Rolf asked me to return something he borrowed from Tia, so I agreed to help him out. When I gave the item to Tia, she rewarded me with her picture. The interesting part? She said it was a good find!
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me Charles from MtSilver was my most recent dream visitor. And when I met up with Rolf again, he asked me if he should change his catchphrase. I told him to keep saying “tiger” and that cheered him up (or “fixed him”).
After a quick (but unfruitful) trip to the island, I spotted Gulliver on my beach. I woke him up, and I figured out that he’s headed to Easter Island once again. He’ll be sending me a moai statue tomorrow.
That wrapped up my night in Forest. But here is a slideshow of some of my best pictures taken in the month of April: