I walked into Molly’s house today, and it took me a few seconds to actually find her.
And for the third time in four days since my town filled up, I had a camper! Today it was Wart Jr.; I didn’t want him to move in, but it’s just crazy how all the campers only show up when I don’t have space to add them.
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Raven from Korasco was my most recent dream visitor.
At 10:00, I opened my gate for Friday Night Forest. For about ten minutes, nobody showed up. And then three people came all at once! Ash, Wendy, and T. Zelda came over to visit.
After a few minutes, we headed out to the island for some tours. I believe T. Zelda did all the tour choosing tonight. We started with a hammer tour and then we played an ore-gathering tour. I got last place on the hammer tour, but first place on the ore tour.
We then played a quick hide-and-seek game, and I found two of the four animals. Usually I’m lucky if I find one.
T. Zelda picked another hammer tour, but not long after we started, everyone else froze up. I was chasing Tortimer alone. I figured that meant we were about to disconnect, and indeed, we did.
I re-opened the gate, and again, nobody came in for nearly ten minutes. But then Ash returned and Ryan joined in as well. Aurora asked me for an ocean fish, and I gave her a sea bass. She rewarded me with a flame tee, which I put on.
I bought some coffee-to-go from the cafe, and I finished it off while sitting on the bench.
Down on the beach, Ryan informed me that Gulliver was there. I couldn’t wake him up while the gate was open, but I didn’t really care. I have all of his items anyway, so I just let him rest in peace.
While Ash was swimming, she said she ran into a shark. I asked if she survived the encounter, and she said no. So naturally, we started calling her a ghost and making ghost jokes and puns.
When Ryan didn’t like my jokes, he would “boo” me, which was also a ghost joke in itself.
Ryan told me Drago was wearing lipstick, so I went to check it out. Not only did I get to see his lipstick, but I think this was also my first look inside his house.
Back outside, Gala asked me for a piece of fruit. As much as I’d love to stick an apple in her mouth and spin her over an open fire, I decided to give her a perfect pear. She enjoyed it and gave me her tricycle? I would have preferred if she had kept the tricycle but let me see her try to ride it! A pig riding a tricycle? That’s viral video material!
After some bug-catching, I asked Ryan and Ash to join me for some glitching on Main Street. I went into the pond, and they tried to fish me out.
Unfortunately, Ash and Ryan didn’t have tweeters and didn’t know how to net glitch. So they couldn’t join me in the fun. But I went on top of the museum and I could see part of the menu screen up in the sky. Is this real life or are we in the Matrix?
I also went over to the cliff and got a nice view of the museum.
Shortly after midnight, Ryan told me he was going to leave. So I went ahead and ended the party for the night. I hope you all have a great weekend!