Today, Drago told me that he wants to move out of town on July 28th.
However, I’m not letting him leave yet. There are a few other animals I’d like to get rid of first.
I ran into Gala, and perhaps she was feeling the summer heat, because she asked if I like baking ham.
Just ignore that comma.
I bet Gala wishes she had a nice mud puddle to roll around in. Too bad, little piggy. You’re gonna roast. Wanna come over for dinner?
Phineas was in town today, and he gave me the Dreamer badge for visiting a lot of dream towns!
Here’s an updated look at my badges. I now have at least a bronze badge for every category except for letter-writing. That one’s going to take a while, since I never write letters.
I didn’t make any dream visits today, but I did update my own dream town (as I usually do). I also saw that Ashlee from the town of Ratty was my most recent dream visitor.
I went from the Dream Suite over to the Emporium; I wanted to see if that celebration hat could be re-ordered. The answer is yes. That’s good, because I didn’t want to have to hang on to that ugly thing.
Back in town, Dotty asked me for something new to say. I told her to say she’s evil, and she said it fits her to a tee!
I then did a little traveling to give away a few items. I gave that celebration hat to Megan.
I also gave a Cancer table to Courage.
Courage also let me have this cool Agent S design.
And last but not least, I dropped off a smoker at Loren’s town. It was winter there!
When I returned to Forest, I found Gulliver down on the beach. I figured out he’s headed to Greece next, so he will send me a gift from there tomorrow.
I also found a lost item on the beach, and I eventually returned it to its owner, Rolf.
He gave me a bubble-gum tee as a reward.