Gulliver sent me some gladiator sandals in the mail today, from Greece. I wish you could give shoes to animals; it would be pretty funny to see an elephant wearing sandals.
There’s a new DLC item available now, the Leo sculpture! For this horoscope/astrological DLC set, they are sending the items out on the dates that each Zodiac sign begins (usually around the 23rd). So you don’t have to wait until the first of the month to get them.
The Leo sculpture is a lion’s head that hangs on the wall. You can jump up to turn it on, and that makes its eyes glow.
It can be re-ordered from the catalog for a price of 4,800 bells.
While I was on Main Street, I updated my dream town (in the daytime for a change). Also, Luna told me that Willa from the town of Rakuen was my most recent dream visitor.
After making my rounds, I took a trip out to the island. I decided to go on an easy balloon-hunt tour. Tortimer was telling me he used to be really good at shooting balloons, but I think he’s just full of hot air.
The easy tour doesn’t have pitfall seeds scattered around, so it’s extremely easy to pop all of the balloons you need here.
I won the gold Tortimer award and earned six medals.
When I returned to the mainland, Sprinkle told me that her outfit would totally flop if she wasn’t wearing her icy shirt. Well, considering that’s all she was wearing, I would say so!
Just to let you know, a couple of people have submitted some designs, and I’ll be adding them to the QR Codes page later tonight.
why dont u like sprinkle jeff