When I went to visit Drago today, he told me he can tell what people are going to eat for dinner based on the look on their face.
Going by the look on his face, I was afraid he was going to make Jeff jambalaya, possibly with some mayornaise. Fortunately, he didn’t try to cook and eat me. But he guessed that I was going to have vichyssoise for dinner. Uh, what? Wrong-o, Drago.
I opened my gate briefly; I was trying to show Madisyn how to glitch.
We ended up going to her town Johto to do more glitching. Her friend Laile was also there; they were both wearing Santa hats for reasons unknown.
Madisyn showed me her house, and we hung out there for a little while.
Later, Laile held me hostage in one of the other houses in town. Apparently Laile was playing a prank on Madisyn by keeping me hidden.
Eventually, we went back outside and rejoined Madisyn. I glitched up onto her cube sculpture.
I asked Madisyn to save the game, so she obliged…and killed me.
They were having trouble getting the net glitch to work. But they did know a different method of getting into the river. It requires digging up an item near a tiny area and having bad luck (or wearing a King Tut mask). So we all ended up in the river eventually.
After a while, we went down to the ocean and did some diving.
Madisyn asked if we should go out to the island, but it was time for me to go. I returned to Forest and went up to the Dream Suite. Luna told me Justin from Sunville was my most recent dream visitor. And in Club LOL, I asked K.K. to play K.K. Synth for me. I want to try making it into a shell music box.
My Able Sisters had a lightning tee for sale, so I figured I would buy it. It’s one of the shirts I wore pretty often in City Folk; I’ll just need a blue cap to wear with it. I think I have one in storage already, though.
Mabel wouldn’t let me try it on because I was still wearing my wet suit.

In the Emporium, I saw a slide puzzle for sale. Even though the numbers were still in the right order, I saw Katt looking at it and trying to figure it out.