I found Joan this morning and she was selling turnips for 109 bells apiece. I bought 2,800 of them.
When I checked my mail, I found that Wishy sent me a rococo dresser. Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Region from Region was my most recent dream visitor. Hmm, I wonder what region Region is in.
Gala told me she was going to move out of town on September 5th, but I talked her out of moving. I want her picture first.
Rolf was still sick, so I took him some medicine again. He said he expects to be all better by tomorrow morning.
At 8:00, I opened my gate for the fireworks festival. Chris and Squishy came over to visit. Squishy drew a “J” in the air. Actually, it was just a party popper.
We visited with Octavian for a while. Octavian told me it felt like the town tree watches us all!
At the event plaza, Isabelle gave me a bulb bopper.
Sprinkle kept telling us all how romantic she thought the fireworks were.
Shortly before 8:30, T. Zelda also came over to visit. She kept burying pitfalls and falling into them.
Someone was dropping fountain fireworks too. One time, Squishy nearly got her beans burned.
We hung out in Molly’s house for a while, talking about the New 3DS, Smash Bros., and Molly’s love life.
T. Zelda left after a while, but the rest of us hung out outside watching fireworks.
Of course we made fun of Chris’ hair, saying it looked like he dipped his head in a cotton-candy machine. I advised him to start up another Youtube channel devoted to pancake reviews. He talked as if he might consider it! The world can only hope.
We also talked about Tomodachi Life. Chris said that in his game, Batman and the Joker are best friends. And Squishy said that in her game, I married Pauline!
When it got close to 10:00, Squishy said she had to go, so I went ahead and ended the session for the night. I later let Wendy come over to shop before I put the game away for the night.