One Small Step for Sam

I was surprised to find it was raining in Forest once again today. Another day of not having to water flowers is a good thing!

When I went into Re-Tail, I thought I saw someone standing in one of the flea market spaces for a moment! But it was just a Spaceman Sam that Octavian was selling. I wonder how Octavian got it up there…although I suppose it’s just one small step for Sam.

A Spaceman Sam on sale at Re-Tail.As a train went by in the background, Big Top asked me if he smelled good today.

Big Top: I have to ask you something, cool guy. Don't you think I smell good today?He said it was because he used a kugel-scented shampoo.

Big Top: A huh huh huh! That's 'cause I'm using a new shampoo that smells like kugel!Crazy Redd was in town today, so I went into his tent and purchased this mystic statue.

Redd: Whoa! I see you've got eyes only for that mystic statue there! I'd say it has eyes for you too!Kidd apparently saw a bulge in my pockets and asked if I had a dorado. Indeed I did, and he offered me 12,000 bells for it.

Kidd: You have to help me out! Can I buy your dorado? Uh, how about 12,000 bells?Drago was also nearby, and he asked me for an orange. I gave him a (smuggled) perfect orange I got from Squishy and he loved it. He said his reward for me would be equally fantastic…and he gave me a toaster. Uh, what?

Drago: A fantastic piece of fruit deserves a fantastic thank-you! Here. Have my toaster!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Yuki from Oakland was my most recent dream visitor.

I then took a blue balloon to Buzzard in the town of Crappie.

Visiting Buzzard in Crappie.I’ve neglected to mention this, but since the first of the month, Gracie has started selling the sweets furniture set. It looks like I also see a hat that would fit Phyllis just perfectly.

The sweets furniture on sale in Gracie Grace.Later on tonight, Wendy came over to sell some pears. She also sat on my tree stump and I dug holes around it so she could fall into them. But at one point, I accidentally dug out my stump! Oops!

I dug up my special stump. Oops!I planted a cherry in that spot to grow a new tree, and then Wendy went up to the Emporium to shop. After she was done, she told me to end the party. But before I could, we disconnected! Wendy said her game crashed (for the first time ever). I reopened my gate so she could sell and shop again. At least my stump was restored. Once she was done, I successfully ended the session.

One last note for today: Becky has submitted several more designs to the QR Codes page, so give them a look if you’d like!

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