Big Top’s Birthday

I saw an unusual item in Re-Tail today; it was Octavian’s Gaudi’s lizard. I made sure to buy it.

Reese: Oh, the Gaudi's lizard? This item belongs to Octavian from here in Forest.When I checked the turnip prices, I was shocked to see Reese was paying 524 bells each for them!

Reese: Currently, I'm buying each turnip for 524 bells.However, I had already sold my turnips earlier in the week for less than half that price.

I went in to visit Big Top, and he quickly informed me that it was his birthday! Uhh…of course it is! I wouldn’t forget about you! I’ve got the memory of an elephant! 😀

Big Top: Welcome, Mr. J! I'm glad you can be here to celebrate my birthday with me!I had just the gift for him. I’ve been saving it for him for a long time! 😉 It was a Gaudi’s lizard! 😀

Big Top: A Gaudi's lizard?! Whoa! I did NOT expect this.He said he didn’t expect it, but then he called it an awesome present. So that was good to hear. Drago was also there to help Big Top celebrate.

Drago: Today's a day for celebrating Big Top! Hip hip hooray!Over by my metal bench, Sprinkle told me that she was planning on moving out on October 7th. It was like a gift from above! Oh wait, there actually was a gift from above flying by.

Sprinkle: Hey there! I know it's totally out of the blue, and I hope I don't shock you. But I'm thinking of moving.I kid, I kid. I’m not ready for Sprinkle to move out just yet, so I asked her to stick around. I still want her picture first before I let her go.

I had watered about half of my flowers when the clock struck 5:00 and it started raining.

Here comes the rain.Oops. When I first started up the game and saw the clouds, I thought to myself: “I should check the instrument shelter to see if rain was coming.” But I completely forgot about it. Oh well, at least it still saved me some time.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Carine from Hawaii was my most recent dream visitor.

I posted about my high turnip prices on TwitterTumblrFacebook, and the Friend Code Exchange page. But only one person (Fortune from Diadem) came over to sell turnips, as of 8 p.m.*

Fortune sells some turnips at Re-Tail.As a reminder, there is no Friday Night Forest tonight. But I’ll be back with another blog entry tomorrow, so I hope to see you then! Have a good weekend and thanks for visiting JVGS!

*Update: Later on, Samantha from Hoplite and Nickie from Candylan also sold turnips.