Drago gave me a lady palm today, and I didn’t think much of it. Until he said it reminded him of me! What?!
After 8:00, I went up to Club LOL to catch a performance from K.K. the singing dog. I let him choose the song and he played “Only Me” for…only me.
Madisyn was online, and she asked if she could come over to shop. So I opened my gate for her, even though I was dead.
After she shopped, she invited me over to her town for a bit. She told me that Porter said she’s eligible to upgrade her train station now, so congrats to her! She also paid off a house loan to expand her upstairs, which will give Diver Dan more room.
Madisyn was also happy that Ava was packed up in boxes and ready to move out of her town.
Outside, Madisyn tried to plant a pitfall seed for me. But it backfired. U MAD, BRO?
We went up to Club LOL and I was going to request a song, until I realized it wasn’t Saturday in her town. Her town date is in early December, I believe. So instead, DJ KK was in there. The good news was that Ankha was in there too dancing like her mummy.

Before long, Madisyn had to go and she ended the session. I put the game away, until I remembered that Octavian had asked me for an ocean fish! So I started the game up again and snagged a sea bass for him. But before I got back to his house, Gala pinged me. She asked for some fruit, and I gave her a perfect pear. She loved it so much that she gave me her villager picture! Yes!
I put it in my house, on the fireplace to cook. I read the picture and it had her favorite quote on it, “Still waters run deep.” Yeah, and still mud means you’re in deep…trouble.
When I took the sea bass to Octavian, he was surprisingly excited about it. He rewarded me by giving me a desk light in return.