Halloween 2014

I was a bit disappointed when I saw a new house plot in town today; Amelia will be moving in tomorrow.

This spot reserved for Amelia's new home. -Nook's HomesAmelia is okay, I guess. I’ve had her in ACCF before; I don’t particularly like her, but I don’t particularly dislike her either. And her house is in a decent spot, although it did take out a perfect peach tree.

When I updated my dream town, Luna told me that Rosie from Dawnstar was my most recent dream visitor.

Sometime after 5 p.m. today, I started trapping my outdoor villagers. Here you can see Aurora and Big Top in their new homes.

Aurora and Big Top trapped by holes in the ground.I had some trouble getting Sprinkle into her spot. She got mad after I kept pushing her around, and also, I killed a gold rose while trying to trap her.

Sprinkle: My feelings are, like, super hurt right now! You shouldn't treat me like that, tiger!Near the event plaza, Kidd told me that he’s going to be moving out of town on November 4th. I decided to let him go, even though I like him. He’s been in town since September 9, 2013, so he’s had a nice long run in Forest. It’ll be sad to see him go, but I can’t keep everyone forever.

Kidd: I'm making my big exit on the 4th of next month. At least that's the plan, kiddo.At 6:00, the Halloween festivities began and the animals changed into their costumes. Here are Aurora and Big Top once again, now all dressed up for the occasion:

Aurora and Big Top dressed up in robes and green pumpkin heads.But when I walked over by Re-Tail, Molly was still where I trapped her…but she wasn’t in her costume! This must be a glitch!

Molly looking her normal ducky self.I talked to her, and she had a regular conversation with me–no mention of Halloween or candy or Jack. But after the conversation ended, then she back-flipped into her costume.

Molly wearing a purple pumpkin head.I then began looking for Jack and talking to my trapped villagers. Sometimes I would try for candy, and other times I just wanted some pumpkin heads.

Sprinkle: Hey, let's play a game! If you win, I'll give you a piece of candy! If you lose, you're in for a world of pain!The first time I found Jack, I got a spooky lamp from him.

Jack: Today is the long-awaited Halloween festival, pumpkin!If you scare your villagers with the correct mask on your first attempt, they’ll give you a lollipop instead of regular candy. A lollipop, when given to Jack, guarantees a piece from the creepy furniture set. Otherwise, you may get spooky furniture, which isn’t as rare. Here, you can see me scaring Rolf with my skeleton hood.

Rolf: Pl...plea...PLEASE! I'll give you a treat if you leave me alone!Just for reference, this is a list of what my villagers are scared of. Some of these I knew from last Halloween, and others I learned tonight.

  • Agent S: Bugs
  • Aurora: Ghosts
  • Big Top: Bugs
  • Drago: Bugs
  • Molly: Ghosts
  • Rolf: Skeletons
  • Octavian: Werewolves

Any villagers not mentioned were outside the whole night, so it didn’t matter and I didn’t find out.

I planned on opening my gate for visitors at 8:00. But before I did, I posted a message on the bulletin board. I was placing my items by Re-Tail and I allowed my visitors to trade their duplicates for items they needed. Hopefully it would help them complete their sets quicker. I already completed the sets last year, so I didn’t need anything in particular and I wanted to help them out in some small way.

Hi Halloween visitors! If you have a duplicate piece of furniture, you can trade it with one I have by Re-Tail. -JeffI continued to go around town and bug my villagers.

Agent S: It's a bug!! I'm, like, completely freaking out right now!When 8:00 came, I opened my gate and town filled up quickly. T Zelda, Meli, and MaryAnn came over to play.

Jeff: Happy hunting!Meli had to go around 8:50, and Wendy came in to take her spot in town. TZ laid out a few extra pieces of candy by the town tree as we continued to search for Jack.

A werewolf receiving furniture from Jack.Here, you can see Sprinkle giving me a nice new hat head.

Sprinkle: Are you ready? 'Cause you're about to get PRANKED!Wendy only stayed about 15 minutes. Once she left, Ash came over to join in the fun. I hadn’t seen Ash in a verrrrry long time. I can’t even remember when the last time was! After telling her to read the bulletin board, I took this group photo of us all.

Four monsters in Forest.TZ left about 10 minutes later. The rest of us were discussing how the creepy furniture set is more rare than the spooky set, but not more valuable. Neither set is worth much money, making Halloween a bad holiday for making money in New Leaf. (It was much better in ACCF). What’s up with that? Ash and I took out our frustrations on Reese.

Two pumpkin heads getting angry at Reese.Before I ended the session, I had them take a final look at my items for anything they needed.

My Halloween haul.I found Ash sitting on my tree stump, and I was trying to type a message asking if she was aware that wasn’t a toilet. But before I finished my sentence, Jack appeared out of nowhere, walked up to me, and forced me into a conversation.

Jack: Now, my loyal subject, Jeff! Did you bring me that important thing we talked about, pumpkin?Fortunately, I had a piece of candy to give him. After I was done talking to him, MaryAnn and I started attacking Ash with axes.

Attacking Ash with axes.I then ended the session for the night. I had a good time tonight; thank you to all who came! It was good seeing you all again! I hope everyone else had a good Halloween too! And don’t forget to have a great weekend! See you next time!

Jeff: Happy Halloween! :)

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