My turnip prices rebounded this morning, but not nearly as high as I was hoping.
They were up to 126 bells, but dropped to 107 by the afternoon. After hearing that Wendy’s prices were down today, I went ahead and sold the rest of my turnips for a small profit.
Over at the campsite, Drake the duck was camping out. He seems alright, but I didn’t ask him to move in.
When I put my turnip money into the bank, my balance topped 24 million bells.
And at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Jessica from Agrabah was my most recent dream visitor.
Do you know the worst part about having Gala gone? No? Well, neither did I. Until I went into Able Sisters, that is. With Gala’s departure, a new former villager is now eligible to start appearing on Main Street. And that villager is Tabby. What an awful surprise.

Once I returned to town, Drago wanted to make an exotic trade. Literally. He gave me his exotic table for my exotic screen.
As for Friday Night Forest, I’ve decided on a new schedule. FNF is going to be a monthly thing now; I will open my gate on the 2nd Friday of each month at 10pm Eastern U.S. time. However, I will also open for some major holidays, including Halloween. If you’re on my roster, I suggest following me on Twitter and/or Facebook to be notified of any changes, announcements, or reminders.