I got Kidd’s goodbye letter in the mail today. So long, ya old goat. You’ll be missed.
Even though you say goodbye to the animals when they move out and they send you a letter, sometimes it doesn’t sink in until you walk by their house and find an empty space instead. That’s what happened when I crossed my eastern bridge and found a goat-sized void.
Amelia asked me to collect signatures for an important cause: Yay Sports!
Up on Main Street, another former villager has started appearing: Tammy the bear cub. She moved to Tiffiny’s town Auctus back in February.

Molly asked me for a river fish, so I caught a carp for her. But when I spoke to her, a house blocked my view of her. But she’s back there somewhere!
Wendy opened up her gate for me so that I could collect signatures for Amelia’s petition. Thanks, Wendy! I started out by going into Cookie’s house. About halfway through the conversation, I noticed a body in her bed!
I found another surprise outside: The moon coming out of Bunnie’s chimney!
I finished up by getting the signature of Wendy’s most-hated villager, Queenie.
I then returned to Forest. Here’s a look at the completed petition:
I returned it to Amelia, and she rewarded me with a patchwork table. Obviously it’s too soon to be getting her villager picture, but this should begin the journey towards friendship.