Easy Delivery

Near my central bridge, Octavian asked me to make a delivery to Sprinkle…who was standing just a few feet away.

Octavian: Listen, something that was meant to go to Sprinkle got sent to my house by mistake.
Do it yourself, she’s right there!

But I agreed to help him out, so I went to the trouble of turning around and handing her the item. It turned out to be a present for me anyway, so she let me keep the fall plaid tee. Lucky me.

Sprinkle: It's a fall plaid tee!Saharah was in town tonight, so I hired her to put in some new carpet and wallpaper.

Saharah: Inspiration! It burns the hooves like desert sand. Embrace it!She installed a desert vista and an autumn floor. I actually like them, particularly the autumn floor.

A desert vista and autumn floor.But I decided not to change my house around right now, so I put things back how they were.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that JimJam from Augusta was my most recent dream visitor.

Just to let you know, there might not be a blog entry tomorrow. But hopefully things will return to normal by Sunday. Have a good weekend, everyone!