Tonight, Amelia told me that she’s an airhead again. She also asked if I’m busy…and yes, I’ve been quite busy lately.
A reminder about the harvest festival this week was posted on the bulletin board today. It takes place on Thursday (which is Thanksgiving in the United States), so that should be fun cooking with Franklin.
If you want to prepare, you might want to put a variety of fish and mushrooms in storage. That will save you some time on Thursday. It can feel more like a fishing tournament than a harvest festival otherwise.
Although I usually try to open my gate on the major holidays, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to on Thursday. If you’re on on my 3DS roster, feel free to check to see if my gate is open if you want, but it’s not a sure thing.
Near my central bridge, Octavian told me he was going to move out on November 30th.
But of course, I talked him out of moving.
Gulliver was unconscious down on the beach, so I woke him up for a little chat. Again, he mentioned the Nobel prize. After guessing wrong last time, I knew that the answer was Sweden. He’ll be sending me a gift from there tomorrow.