Igloo Static

I visited Molly today, and she was sitting down as I spoke with her. That doesn’t happen very often! Usually animals will be standing up and walking around. Anyway, she was talking about her bug, wondering if it would come if she called it.

Molly: If I take good care of my bug, do you think someday it will come when I call it? Here, Skippy!There was an igloo set up at the campsite, and my old friend Static was inside!

Static: Camping in the winter! It's a battle against the elements!Static has lived in my GameCube town for many years, and I like him a lot. Even if he is a big grump some most of the time. And in the GameCube game, igloos (unlike tents) are filled by your own town residents. So it’s not unusual for me to see Static in an igloo. But as for New Leaf, my town is full and I couldn’t ask him to move in. Oh well, maybe another time.

I played a game with him, where I had to choose a card to determine the price he would pay for my regal chair. I chose the “club” card, and I won! He paid 2,708 bells for it.

Static: This is gonna bite into my traveling badget, but rules are rules... Here ya go--2,708 bells.Rolf was talking about something he saw on TV about nail art. He couldn’t figure out why anyone would do that to their nails claws.

Rolf: Why would anyone grow their claws so long and sharp like that?Rolf: Claws are only for catching prey and striking fear into your enemies! GAHAHA! Tiger!I saw that Saharah was in town, so I hired her to redecorate my house. But before I went home, I made her follow me around. I saw two snowballs, so I stopped to make a snowmam as Saharah had no choice but to follow along.

Snowmam: I'm PERFECT!
Uh, nobody’s perfect. :/

Once we reached my house, Saharah installed a red tile and a library wall in my main room.

A red tile and library wall.Big Top asked me for a horse mackerel, so I went down to the ocean to catch one. It didn’t take me very long, so I quickly took it to Forest’s resident elephant. He thanked me by giving me a bird feeder.

Big Top: It's a bird feeder! Hope you like it!A bird feeder? Agent S just gave a birdbath yesterday. What’s going on? Do my villagers think I’m running a bed and breakfast for birds? Or are they just trying to ruffle my feathers?

I went up to the Dream Suite to update my dream town, and while I was there, Luna told me Sadie from Shrews was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for stopping by!

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