In the European version of the game, today was Naughty-or-Nice Day. I have the American version of the game, but Tom invited me over to his town to check it out. My first attempt to visit Tomville ended in a disconnection when someone else tried to enter. So the second time, Tom told me to rush over to Isabelle before someone else came in. And indeed, someone tried as I was talking to her.
Isabelle gave me a holiday stocking for the event. And she seemingly responded to the person who was trying to interrupt my conversation with her!
Eventually, I finished the conversation and Tom (a different Tom!) and Bethany came over to visit too. Naughty or Nice Day also has a face-cutout standee, so the Toms and I made angry faces. I guess we didn’t like our presents.
We also went up to Club LOL for some live music. Charlise was also in there, and she said this was the winter-festival concert. But I think she was a bit confused from drinking too much egg nog.
After one song, I couldn’t resist trapping “Other Tom” and Bethany in their seats.
We went outside and did some glitching on Main Street. But it didn’t take me long to get stuck.
Tom twice saved the game, trying to kill me (and free me), but I wouldn’t die!
Eventually, “other” Tom got stuck too, so the regular Tom ended the session to send us all home.
Back in Forest, I continued getting more Toy Day hints. Sprinkle wants something yummy to eat. Let me guess, something she could put sprinkles on.
I also stopped at my house to put up my holiday stocking.
Octavian casually told me that Agent S is going to move out of town.
WHAT?! Oh no she isn’t! I quickly hunted her town and told her she has no choice but to stay. She got the message loud and clear.
Later on, I made a visit to Tiffiny’s town Auctus. I believe I haven’t played with Tiffiny since April, so it was very good to see her again.
Her Re-Tail was buying turnips for 104 bells each, which was much more than the 40 bells my Re-Tail was offering. So I sold all my turnips for 332,800 bells. Not a huge profit, but she saved me from losing a lot of money, so thanks again Tiffiny!
I made sure to visit Tammy, who was my former villager. She was standing behind a shirt, and when it zoomed in for the conversation, it looked like she was wearing it.
Of course, Auctus was as beautiful as always. I’m still hoping Tiffiny eventually makes a dream version of her town, because it would make for a great Dream Suite Adventure.
We also traded baskets of perfect fruit; she seemed to enjoy the perfect peaches. 
We talked about how we wished the glow wands actually did something. Even if you could hit people with them, that would be an improvement! Leaving a glowing indentation on the victim would be a nice touch too, but I’m probably asking for too much.
After that, we headed over to Forest. Or should I say Fo.
Up on Main Street, I feared for my life when I saw two frightening cats looking at me and then trying to surround me! They’re the last cats I want I’d ever want to mess with in a darkened alley.

I quickly ran back to town, where I saw Tiffiny left this message on the bulletin board.
I drank some coffee near the pond outside my house.
Tiffiny started switching through her tools, and I wasn’t sure what she was doing. But then her big toy hammer popped out, and I ran for my life! Actually I was running to the town tree, so I could pick up my own toy hammer (I leave it there for the dream visitors) and then we had ourselves a hammer fight!
Tiffiny ran into Amelia’s house for protection from my hammer. Hiding under Amelia’s wing may keep you safe from hammer hits, but you’re raising your risk of bird mites. That mite be a worse fate.
After a few minutes in there, Tiffiny had to go, so I ended the session. Thanks for the fun day, Tiffiny and Tom!