Yesterday, Wishy sent me a podium in the mail. That wasn’t what I wished for. I won’t stand for this!
Gulliver was down on the beach, talking about an island famous for giant heads. He was clearly talking about Easter Island.
And today, he sent me one of those giant heads–a moai statue–in the mail.
Right outside my house, Aurora pinged me. She told me she was going to move away on the 4th of this month. Wait, what? The 4th of this month was nearly four weeks ago! She meant the 4th of next month, of course, but chalk that up as a mistake by Nintendo. (And yes, my date is set correctly). Regardless, I asked Aurora to stick around.
I went to visit Big Top, and I saw that Kabuki was also visiting him. Three’s a party! Apparently.
Kabuki, who seems to be feeling much better now, appreciated the medicine the other day. He thanked me for nursing him back to health.
He gave me a rugby tee for my trouble. When I went back outside, Agent S asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. I had ten minutes to find her, Aurora, and Dizzy.
I found Agent S almost immediately.

With five minutes to go, I spotted Aurora hiding behind my zen bell. Ding dong, you lose.
I then found Dizzy down on the beach, trying to hide behind a palm tree. Elephants just don’t understand.
With everyone found, that meant I had won the game. Agent S rewarded me with my prize: an air conditioner. In winter. Thanks a lot. (Do I look like a penguin?)
I found today’s snowballs, and I was trying to make a new snowmam (since my last one died overnight). However, I started to make the head a bit too big. But instead of shrinking the head, I made the base a bit bigger. Sure, the proportions ended up perfect, but the bigger base meant I made a snowboy instead of a snowmam. Oops.
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Shelby from Petville was my most recent dream visitor. (Jacob from Sea Town was the visitor named when I checked yesterday).
Tomorrow brings the beginning of February! February 25th will bring the melting of the snow, but before that, we have Festivale coming up on the 16th. For more info, check out my Festivale Guide.