Big Top met me outside my house this evening, and he told me he was going to move away on January 24th. Naturally, I made him change his mind. Forest needs its superheroes! Even if I can only pay him in peanuts.
I saw that Resetti’s manhole was open once again, so I hopped down to say hello. But he wasn’t home. Don was there, and he told me Resetti had to go to the doctor for his bad back.

But Don told me he actually had something to give me.
He gave me his picture! He warned me that this would be the only time I get something from him. The full name of the item is “Don Resetti’s pic.” I don’t usually think of Resetti as being the last name…after all, Resetti’s speech bubble just says Resetti.
Anyway, I returned home and looked for a good place to put the picture. I couldn’t find one, so I put it on the floor in the skiing room. I’ll just pretend he dug a hole through the snow.
It said that his favorite quote is “Jasmine oil on a mole’s head.” I hope he’s not talking about Jasmine from Aladdin.
Back outside, I noticed the northern lights up in the sky.
Despite getting the picture from Don, I was having a bad luck day; I kept falling all over town. I almost took a header into Miss Snowmam!
So I went up to see Katrina on Main Street to see if she could help me out. She said I needed some iconic bottoms…or she could sell me a special charm for 10,000 bells.
I bought the special charm, and it was a Tingle hood! I was happy to finally get one. I was less happy about how it looked on me.
I went next door to the Dream Suite and updated my dream town. Luna told me that Ellie from Rivendel was my most recent dream visitor. After I was done with my Main Street run, I returned to town. Kabuki was complaining about the tag on his shirt, saying it was itching him.
Some of my villagers told me Gulliver was down on the beach, but I didn’t bother to “save” him. The novelty has definitely worn off, and I completed my collection of his items a long time ago. I’m not going to ignore him every time he washes ashore, but today I’m going to let him sleep in.
I just want to let you all know that my New Leaf hair guide, face guide, and eye color guide are now mobile-friendly. You can view them on your phones without having to zoom and/or scroll horizontally. I hope this makes it easier and more convenient. I know most other parts of JVGS aren’t as mobile-friendly just yet, but I’ll be working on improving that in the coming days and weeks. Thank you all who visit JVGS regularly! And have a great day!