Last night, Rolf told me that people are saying I’m a deep diver. (He also repeated it to a dream visitor of mine). I guess it’s because I’ve been doing a lot of diving lately. Well not the past couple days, but prior to that. Still, “deep diver” isn’t a title you see every day.
This morning, Reese was paying 148 bells for turnips. That was a bit lower than yesterday’s price, so I figured the peak had passed. So I sold all my turnips at this price. (My suspicions were confirmed later in the day, when turnip prices dropped to 55).
When I put my new turnip money into my bank account, my balance topped 33 million bells. I’m approximately one-third of the way to the gold savings badge now.
There was a meteor shower in town tonight, so I wished on a few shooting stars. I also sat on my metal bench and watched them fly by.
Dizzy asked me for an apple, so I went to a nearby tree and shook one down for him. He enjoyed the apple and rewarded me with a “fantastic” gift of a bug zapper.
I had a painting to give Sammy, so I dropped it off at his town around 9:30.
Madisyn invited me over to her town, so I stopped over for a visit. Her friends X and Cedric were also there.
I had a little snack while I was there; I ate a famous mushroom that I found back in Forest.
Madisyn joked that her villager Olaf was Cedric’s dad. Went he went to visit his anteater of a father, Madisyn trapped him.
Cedric had to go though, and Madisyn let him leave. Madisyn joked that X was in her math class, and she was tired of having to solve everything for him. She told him to solve things for himself.
I got my beans out and started spraying them everywhere. X told me he’d prefer not to have giants climbing down any beanstalks into town. I figured that would be Madisyn’s problem, not mine, so I kept tossing beans everywhere.
After a little while, Madisyn had to leave…for pizza! She ditched us for pizza and didn’t even offer us any. Just for that, I hope a bunch of beanstalks grow all over your town!
After she ended the session, I continued my walk around Forest. I found Saharah, and I hired her to put in some new wallpaper and carpet. She installed a shoji screen and a lunar surface.
The lunar surface is a keeper, and I’m glad I finally got it. I haven’t been as lucky in ACCF, where I still haven’t come across a lunar surface in 6+ years.
Kabuki was sick today, so I bought some medicine for him. It seemed to have an effect on him.
Agent S asked me to take something to Big Top, so I made the delivery. It turned out to be a mango.
In return, he gave me his picture again. I’ll have to have another villager picture giveaway at some point.
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Lewis from ToonTown was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting! See you all next time!