Tonight, Rolf asked me to play a game of hide-and-seek. I had 15 minutes to find him, Molly, and Aurora. I found Rolf first, trying to hide behind the lighthouse. He may be a big tiger, but he still acts like a regular cat sometimes. He couldn’t resist rubbing his head up against me.
A few minutes later, I found Aurora hiding behind Agent S’s house and Molly hiding behind Rolf’s house.
I think it’s a bit unusual that none of them were hiding behind trees. For winning the game, Rolf gave me an office chair as my prize. Oh joy.
Over by my bridge, Octavian was talking about spaghetti. He’s making me hungry! As long as it’s not squid-ink spaghetti.
I then decided it was time to play some bingo!
My existing snowman rolled a #11, which I marked off on my bingo card. It still didn’t help me that much, though. So I looked for today’s snowballs and rolled up a new snowman. This one rolled a #29…BINGO!
He took my bingo card and gave me a snow machine.
Just a heads-up that the snow melts in less than a month. It’ll be gone on February 25th at 6 a.m.
Yesterday, I did some more diving in the ocean and I caught another scallop. This time, Pascal popped up to ask for it.
I gave it to him, and in return, he gave me some pirate’s armor. He also left me with these words of wisdom about weeds.
The pirate’s armor isn’t clothing or even a regular furniture item that you’d set down on the floor. It actually hangs on the wall.
And then today, Joan was selling turnips for just 93 bells apiece. I bought 3,200 of them.
I had ordered some DLC items for Beth, so I went over to her town Appleby to drop them off. Andy and Naomi (StarClan) were also there. They surprised me by popping off some party poppers when I arrived!
Beth also made this big “thank you” sign with patterns.
That was very nice of her, but she didn’t have to go to such trouble! But she told me that wasn’t all…
She buried a bunch of presents (30 of them, I think?) all around her town for me to dig up.
Shouldn’t that say I dug up *a* present?
But because I’m a pretty strict ‘legit’ player, I don’t like accepting large gifts…namely the 99k money bags she was trying to give me. Not to mention I wouldn’t have had space to take that many items anyway. She was using sad emotions each time I would drop a gift back down, which made me feel kinda bad. Sorry, I appreciate the thought, but I did tell her ahead of time I wouldn’t take any extra money. That’s just how I play the game.
So I only accepted enough money to cover the cost of the items I ordered for her. But one of the presents contained some beans, and that was a gift that I gladly accepted. The beans are always fun to throw around, and we had a bean fight right there.
We started talking about beans in general, and Mr. Bean in particular! There is actually a Mr. Bean Wii game that I didn’t even know existed. That might be fun to pick up some and laugh at/with it. We also fed the fish, and we talked about how there should be ducks that show up in the river too. It would be hilarious to see Molly or Freckles jump in the river for a swim.
After an hour in Appleby, I returned home for the day. Thanks for everything, Beth! (And Andy and Naomi too!) I turned the game off for a while, but I returned to it in the evening. Octavian told me he was going to move out of town on January 29th, but I made him change his mind.
Sprinkles asked me for some furniture, and I gave her a customized regal armoire I had in my pockets. She liked it so much that she gave me her picture again!
Shouldn’t that be Sprinkle’s pic?
A bingo snowman (that I built yesterday) rolled a #28 for me. I punched it off my bingo card, and that gave me a double ding. Maybe I’ll get a bingo soon.
I finished up my night with a trip up to Main Street, where Luna told me Felix from Windrush recently visited my dream town.
Saharah was in town this evening, and I paid her for some new wallpaper and carpeting. She put in this sky wall and red tile for me.
Today is the day that Dizzy the elephant moved into town. I went in his house to meet him, and he seems pretty cool. He told me he moved from a town called Pace. That name doesn’t sound familiar, so it must be the town of someone I’ve StreetPassed.
However, he didn’t want the other animals to know about him just yet. He wants to surprise everyone once he’s all unpacked. Okay, I guess I’ll try to ignore the elephant in the room.
Back outside, I’ve noticed all of my previous snowpeople are gone. I haven’t been very diligent about building them lately, so I decided to make a new snowmam tonight.
Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Bambi from Morimint was my most recent dream visitor.
Thanks for stopping by, Bambi! You’re a deer.
I wrapped up my evening with some late-night diving. Not only am I trying to work towards the diving badge, but I think I’ve only seen Pascal two or three times. I’d like to get all of his items at least once. I did catch one scallop tonight, but Pascal didn’t pop up and ask for it. My pockets weren’t even full!
I also saw Drago on the beach and I had a short chat with him. He was telling me about his friendship with Octavian: He would share a juice box with Octavian, but not ice cream.
Who would want to share a juice box with an octopus? That’s just gross. Especially if he left his ink all over the straw. Ew.
Just a note that I’ve updated my town page to include Dizzy’s arrival.