When I went to see Sprinkle today, I saw that Dizzy was also visiting her. I’m not sure what a penguin and elephant could have in common, but it’s nice to see Sprinkle actually has a friend, I guess.
There was an igloo at the campsite, and I found Bella the mouse inside. Unlike Wednesday, I didn’t mind having a full town today since I have no interest in inviting Bella to move in anyway.
After updating my dream town, Luna told me that Jared from Kyoto was my most recent dream visitor.
Later on, I found the northern lights up in the sky.
And I was able to pick up the Nintendo Zone DLC, the red ogre mask.

Hint: If you’re unable to get to a Nintendo Zone location (and you’re in America), you might be able to get it by changing the SSID of your router to “attwifi” (without the quotes) and then talking to Pelly or Phyllis at the post office. But be sure to change your router settings back when you’re done! And it may not work for everyone, so don’t shoot the messenger if it doesn’t work for you.
Wearing the ogre mask made me fit in with Main Street animals like Canberra and Tabby.

When I returned to town, Big Top told me he was going to move out on February 11th.
Of course I quickly changed his mind for him.
When I went over by Re-Tail, I found that Resetti’s manhole had opened up.
Resetti wasn’t home though, and Don didn’t have much to say. I guess there’s not really much point in me coming down here any more since I have both of their pictures now.
I made a new bingo snowman, and he rolled a #23. My previous snowman rolled a #15. Neither number was much help, as I’m still dingless.
Before I ended my game for the night, I went to the Emporium to check my catalog. I found that the red ogre mask can not be ordered again, unfortunately.
Have a great weekend, everyone!