Fetching Octavian Again

When I went to visit Aurora today, she told me she was sick and in need of medicine. She even sneezed on me!

Aurora: I... I need... medicine right away... ACHOO!I also visited Molly, and she told me that she needed Octavian for something. Hmm, are you choking on pizza crust?

Molly: I have to talk to him about something. If you have time, maybe you could go get him for me?So, just like Saturday, I had to fetch Octavian. Fortunately, he was just a few feet away. He tried to tell me that he’s moving out of town on March 5th, but I quickly changed his mind. I will let him go at some point, but not yet.

Octavian: Oh, you're gonna try and stop me?He followed me back to Molly’s house, and Molly asked him if he left a gold bracelet in her mailbox.

Molly: Did you put the gold bracelet in my mailbox yesterday?He admitted it was him, and Molly thanked him for the thoughtful gift. He then quickly stormed out. He’s probably sick of me dragging him to everybody’s homes lately.

Octavian leaves Molly's house.Molly thanked me and gave me a space heater as my reward.

Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Amanda from “Swoon xx” was my most recent dream visitor. And at the Happy Homes Showcase, I visited a StreetPass house belonging to Faith from Greatlog. She had one room full of dresses that Mark would love.

A room full of dresses.Another room was filled with gold furniture and money bags! Unfortunately, Digby wouldn’t let me rob the house.

A room full of money bags.Once I left the Showcase, I headed over to the Emporium. I picked up some medicine for Aurora and then took it to her. Get well soon, little penguin!

Aurora: Ahhh... I think I feel it working already!