Isabelle caught me by surprise when I started up the game today, telling me that Octavian was moving out of town! He never even told me he was considering a move! If I’m not mistaken, this is the first time in New Leaf that I’ve been caught off-guard by a villager moving out without warning. At any rate, I went to say goodbye to my octo-friend.
On the bright side, I’ll have a spot available for asking a camper to move in if I choose (as of tomorrow). There was a tent at the campsite today though, and the camper was Cally the squirrel. I would not have been interested in her anyway.
Over by the bulletin board, Rolf gave me a grass tee for free.
I went up to Main Street, and Luna told me Beth from Appleby was my most recent dream visitor. (Hi Beth!) In the Happy Homes Showcase, I checked out Nathan’s house. He had a (small) room full of robo furniture customized in black. It looked cool, but also a bit creepy. It’s like all of these robots are watching me!
Later on, I agreed to let Crosby come over to adopt Octavian. I opened my gate, and a mustached cowboy came in. For a second, I thought “she has a mustache?” No, it was just Tom, who dropped by unexpectedly. He was trying out a new look, apparently.
A few seconds later, Crosby came over too. I gave her an extra bubble wand I had lying around, and she gave me a famous mushroom. Thank you, Crosby!
She spoke with Octavian and asked him to move into her town.
Octavian confirmed that he’s moving to Crosby’s town, Town.
And later on tonight, Octavian’s house was all closed up and he was gone. Goodbye, octo-buddy. I hope he and Crosby have a fun time together.