Bangle was camping out at the campsite today. I almost considered inviting her to move in, but I decided against it.
Outside, I noticed some flowers blooming on my bush. There was also a bat peacock butterfly flying by in the background.
Merka needed to collect signatures for a petition, so she came over to ask my villagers to join her cause.
It was a pretty night in town, with the moon, pink trees, and clear sky.
Merka had trouble finding a sixth villager to sign the petition, but I went duck hunting and found Molly. She was hiding in the art gallery at the museum.
After that, Merka opened her gate so that I could sell my perfect peaches. I had nine full baskets, and I scored 243,000 bells for them all.
Merka had cherry blossom petals falling from the sky in her town. (Her town is a day ahead, due to her living in Australia).
Merka ended up getting Mac’s picture for completing the petition. Congrats! I’ll see you all next time!