Live Technopop

Not far from my house this evening, I spotted Saharah the camel. I hired her to put in some new wallpaper and carpet in my house.

Saharah: I am called Saharah, for that is my name. I come from faraway land.She installed a rose wall and a cabin rug. Not exactly my favorite look.

A rose wall and cabin rug.I went out to the island and participated in an elite-class fishing tour. Catching eight fish earned me 12 medals.

Tortimer: WHOA! You're a master angler! You've earned a Gold Tortimer award and 12 medals!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Cheshire from Cheshire was my most recent dream visitor. Interesting.

Luna: According to the latest feedback, a client named Cheshire from Cheshire enjoyed your dream.And in Club LOL, I asked K.K. for a random song. He played K.K. Technopop for me; it’s a song that sounds better on the aircheck than it does in a live performance. Sorry, dog.

K.K.: You like surprises? No problem. ...I got just the tune.