Nature Day 2015

I got Drago’s goodbye letter in the mail today.

Drago's goodbye letter.It was sad to see the empty spot where his house was.

The empty spot where Drago's house was.But on the bright side, I can finally repair my paths. When Drago first moved in, his house landed on my path and I had to re-route around his house. But now I’m able to put it back the way it was.

Isabelle was at the event plaza to celebrate Nature Day (also known as Earth Day).

Isabelle: Mayor! Today is Nature Day!She gave me a cool globe to commemorate the event.

Isabelle: It's a cool globe! Please take it and never forget the importance of a clean town!There was also a face-cutout standee where two people can hug the Earth. But I just hugged the world with a headless girl.

The Nature Day face-cutout standee.If you haven’t seen the cool globe before, this is what it looks like:

The cool globe.When I made my way up to the shopping district, I saw that Skye has started appearing on Main Street. It’s good to see her again!

Skye: Well, hello! You're looking great! I thought I might run into you here, airmail!In the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Lizzie from Lovely was my most recent dream visitor. And while I was running through the Happy Homes Showcase, I thought I saw Teddy for a split-second. But it turns out, it wasn’t Teddy at all. Oops.

Sharpie: I'm Sharpie from Lakatas. My home is over at North 1. Sail the Seas!

Departing Dragon

Yesterday, Drago told me that Maggie from the town of Home showed up in his dream. He said she was a real stump maker.

Drago: So the other night, Maggie from Home showed up in my dream!In the Happy Homes Showcase, I got to see the house of a Japanese player. Apparently I got their house because of International StreetPass Week. At any rate, I thought the violet screen in this room looked really cool.

The violet screen in a StreetPass home.Able Sisters had a mint gingham tee on sale, so I went ahead and bought it. It’s a shirt that I would sometimes wear in the GameCube game. And since I wear blue shirts all the time in New Leaf, I figured it’s okay to be green once in a while too.

My new mint gingham tee.When I started up the game today, Isabelle shocked me by telling me something I did not want to hear: Drago is moving out of town! Without warning! I was not ready for him to move out, but I had no choice but to say goodbye. So long, buddy. I’ll miss you and your classic jaw-drops.

Drago: I'm getting my stuff ready for my move!Saharah was in town, and I paid her 3,000 bells to redecorate my main room. She installed some ringside seating and a backyard lawn. I promptly sold both items.

Ringside seating and a backyard lawn.A message posted on the bulletin board informed me that Nature Day (Earth Day) is tomorrow.

~ Tomorrow: Nature Day ~Merka was interested in taking Drago, so I invited her over to speak with my departing dragon.

Merka speaking with Drago.I hate to see him go, but at least I’ll be able to visit him in The Bribs.

Drago: I'm moving to Bribs! If you ever get the itch to travel, you should come visit me there!Up at the Dream Suite, Luna told me that Eric from Magnolia was my most recent dream visitor.

Daisy asked me for a crucian carp, so I did some fishing until I caught one for her. She enjoyed how healthy and energetic it was. Uh, okay…

Daisy: Oh! Thank you! Look at how healthy and energetic it is!She rewarded me with a watermelon shirt, but you won’t catch me wearing that anytime soon. Too many seeds.

Down on the beach, I found a lost item.

Finding a lost item.I tracked down its owner on my 4th attempt: It belonged to Aurora. She thanked me and gave me an amp for my trouble.

Aurora: Oh! Good! I was wondering where I'd left this. Thank goodness you found it, tiger.I finished up my night with a trip out to the island. Successfully completing a bug hide-and-seek tour earned me 15 medals.

I’ll be back with another entry tomorrow, so I hope to see you then!

Egg Set Giveaway

I found Joan right outside my house this morning, so I promptly trapped her in my bushes. I then went to get some money out of the bank (and clear out my pockets) before buying 3,100 turnips from her. She was charging 99 bells per turnip.

Joan: The asking price is 99 bells per turnip. What do you think, kiddo?I went out to the island and went on a pros-only bug hunt tour. With only ten seconds to spare, I caught the 10th bug I needed to secure a gold Tortimer award and 12 medals.

Tortimer: That's enough to net you a Gold Tortimer award and 12 medals!Up at the Dream Suite today, Luna told me that Jessica from the town of Sophie was my most recent dream visitor.


Easter is now (way) over. Many of you collected the egg furniture set on Easter Sunday, but some of you didn’t. I’ve decided to give away my complete egg furniture set–including the egg basket and Zipper’s pic. That’s 15 items in total. If you need the complete list, check out my Bunny Day Guide. As a bonus, I will also include a tweeter.

JVGS Egg Set GiveawayThere are three ways to enter:

[Entry details removed now that the contest is over.]

You can enter once per method, for a maximum of three entries. The contest will end on Saturday, April 25, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. All valid entries will be entered into a spreadsheet and a random number generator will be used to choose a winner.

The winner will be announced later that night on my April 25th New Leaf blog entry. I will also attempt to contact the winner directly at that time. Tumblr users, make sure you have asks enabled so I can contact you if you win. If the winning entry was from a post on this page, I will contact you via e-mail if you provided an e-mail address. If not, or If I am unable to contact you for any reason, you must contact me and claim the prize (by opening your New Leaf gate for me) by Tuesday, April 28th at 9:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. If you don’t, you will forfeit the prize.

Note: If a winning entry was from a comment left on JVGS, the prize will ONLY be given to the winning friend code chosen (to prevent abuse).

Other notes: I am unable to keep the winner on my friend roster after the prizes have been delivered. If a winner does not claim the prize by April 28th, another winner will be chosen. That replacement winner will also have three days to claim the prize. Good luck, everyone!