Sushi Platter – Nintendo Zone DLC

Last night, I found a lost item on the ground. Agent S said it must belong to someone, in her tail!

Agent S: Sorry. That's not mine. But it must belong to someone, in my tail.It was actually Kabuki’s book, though. It’s called Animalese 101!

Kabuki: Ah! This is my book all right! Animalese 101!I made a dream visit to Andrea’s town Forks (dream address 5700-3803-1833). It has tons of flowers–I made sure to run through them all, even though the sign told me not to.

Me running through flowers in a dream town.I ended up selling my turnips for a loss yesterday, and I didn’t buy any new ones for this week.

Today, Pete met me outside my house with a letter from Nintendo. Now through July 18th, you can download a sushi platter at Nintendo Zone locations.

From 7/5 to 7/18, the sushi platter is available via Nintendo Zone!That letter contains an error, however. It says you could only get the sushi platter in the Japanese version prior to now, but that’s not the case. It was also a Nintendo Zone download in America back in October 2013. Still, I went to pick mine up and Pelly handed it over.

Pelly: Sorry to keep you waiting! I hope you enjoy your new sushi platter!The sushi platter can be ordered from the catalog for 1,680 bells.

Sushi platter - 1,680 bells.Cally asked me what I thought of her outfit and I replied “Meh.” She said she’ll have to try harder to find an outfit that grabs my attention. Well, I wouldn’t blame the outfit…

Cally: I see... Then I'll just have to work harder to come up with an outfit that grabs your attention.Up at the Happy Homes Showcase, I StreetPassed Ash from Idiris. She gave me a mint double scoop ice cream cone!

Ash: I'm Ash from Idiris. My home is over at North 5. Run you clever boy.I’ve been trying to get a second ice cream cone for a long time. This means I’m finally able to have my long-awaited StreetPass item giveaway. It’ll include two ice cream cones, three pinwheels, three balloons, a bubble wand, and a tweeter. The giveaway will begin one day this week (possibly tomorrow), so check back again soon for more info.

The island had some lame tours today, so I just did a little fishing instead. On my beach, I caught someone trying to play Splatoon! You’re in the wrong game, kid!

I caught a squid! Yes, I did!According to Luna, my most recent dream visitors were Alfredo from Smithson (today) and Taylor from Johto (yesterday). Thanks for visiting!

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