Yesterday, I had another blue cat camping out at the campsite! But this time, it was Moe. I know a lot of people seem to like him, but I’m not a big fan. Even though Cally’s recent departure now allows me to ask a camper to move in, I didn’t ask Moe.
Cally’s departure also means a new animal starts appearing on Main Street. Frank the green eagle is that animal.
He headed to the museum, and I went over to the Dream Suite. Luna told me Brenna from the town of New Leaf was my most recent dream visitor. I took a dream visit to the town of Highway (dream address 2000-5000-9877). Here are a few pictures from Highway, but I encourage you to check out my full Dream Suite Adventure of the town for more info and pictures.
It’s a really nice town, and it doesn’t seem to be a very well-known dream town…so you probably haven’t seen it before. I recommend giving it a visit if you have the chance.
This morning, I tracked down Joan so I could buy some turnips. She was charging 96 bells, and I bought 4,100 of them. I’m hoping this is the week I get a big turnip spike.
Later on, Kabuki repeated what Aurora said to him. Aurora apparently thought there were pitfall seeds planted all around her house! I didn’t even do it!
When I checked the Dream Suite tonight, Luna told me Collin from Temple was tonight’s latest visitor.
That’s all I have for today. Again, if you haven’t checked it out already, please give Highway a visit. Thank you, and have a nice night (or day, depending on when you’re reading this)!