
I saw light beaming out of Resetti’s manhole tonight. I guess the angry mole was trying to get some fresh air.

Resetti's open manhole.I climbed down to say hello, but Resetti didn’t have much to say. He just kept urging me to leave, even though I just got there! How rude.

Resetti: You ain't gonna find nothin', so quit snoopin' around!Saharah was in town, so I hired her to install new wallpaper and carpeting. On the way back to my house, I ran into my newest neighbor Peck. He told me that Saharah was “apparently” in town…even though she was clearly standing right next to him! This guy must be a bird brain.

Peck: Apparently, Saharah is in town! She comes from far away to bring carpets and wallpapers!Once I reached my house, Saharah put in a blue-trim wall and a bath tile. Great, now I can play bathketball. Maybe I should replace the basketball hoop with a toilet and try not to miss any shots.

A blue-trim wall and bath tile in my basketball-themed room.Up at the Dream Suite, I updated my dream town. Luna told me that James from Crescent was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting!

Just a reminder that Happy Home Designer comes out on Friday (in America, at least). Barring any unforeseen problems, I’ll have my first AC:HHD entries up then! They will be at, so please bookmark the link if you don’t want to miss out!