I saw light beaming out of Resetti’s manhole tonight. I guess the angry mole was trying to get some fresh air.
I climbed down to say hello, but Resetti didn’t have much to say. He just kept urging me to leave, even though I just got there! How rude.
Saharah was in town, so I hired her to install new wallpaper and carpeting. On the way back to my house, I ran into my newest neighbor Peck. He told me that Saharah was “apparently” in town…even though she was clearly standing right next to him! This guy must be a bird brain.
Once I reached my house, Saharah put in a blue-trim wall and a bath tile. Great, now I can play bathketball. Maybe I should replace the basketball hoop with a toilet and try not to miss any shots.
Up at the Dream Suite, I updated my dream town. Luna told me that James from Crescent was my most recent dream visitor. Thanks for visiting!
Just a reminder that Happy Home Designer comes out on Friday (in America, at least). Barring any unforeseen problems, I’ll have my first AC:HHD entries up then! They will be at http://www.jvgs.net/achhd/, so please bookmark the link if you don’t want to miss out!